Altona Foreshore Revitalisation Project Details Announced

Major upgrade works at Altona’s foreshore will provide easier access for locals and visitors, improvements to marquee Pier Street to allow for festivals and community events, and better protection for the beach. Minister for Suburban Development Shaun Leane recently announced details of the Altona Foreshore Revitalisation project that will deliver a new main beach entry and promenade, shared bike and walking trails, a raised seawall, two beach access ramps, and new viewing and rest spots.
“These revitalisation works will ensure that more Melburnians can enjoy Altona’s beautiful waterfront – and that the foreshore is safeguarded well into the future.” Minister Leane commented.
“Altona’s Foreshore Revitalisation will see Pier Street become a vibrant place of festivals and events in the warmer months – I welcome the great flexibility that the new streetscape will give local traders and our communities to gather and enjoy our foreshore.” Member for Altona Jill Hennessy commented.
Minister Leane said that the $12.9 million project is supported by $4.4 million from the Andrews Labor Government’s Suburban Revitalisation Program and $1.4 million from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning towards the upgrade of the seawall. Minister Leane also pointed out that the reimagined main beach entry at the bottom of Pier Street will provide increased shade and vegetation, and new drinking fountains, bike hoops, beach showers and art structures. New secondary beach entries at Webb Street and Mount Street will incorporate steps and ramps and also guard against beach erosion.
“We know the challenges that climate change presents – these works will protect Altona’s foreshore from predicted rising sea levels, address sand loss and protect foreshore infrastructure.” Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio commented.
Minister Leane said that the works on Pier Street will include footpath upgrades and widening along shopfronts, tree plantings, new street furniture, improvements to drainage and landscaping. The foreshore works are part of the larger Altona Beach Precinct redevelopment being led by Hobsons Bay City Council, which includes the redevelopment of Pier Street to host outdoor markets, festivals and community events and a redevelopment of the Altona Pier by Parks Victoria.
Minister Leane went on to explain that the works will commence in August, with the project due to be complete in early 2024. The Suburban Revitalisation Program empowers local stakeholders to plan and deliver infrastructure and community development initiatives that improve the liveability of local areas. The Government is encouraging suburban revitalisation as a way of strengthening Melbourne’s liveability and driving economic opportunity and jobs growth where people live.

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