2021 Irish Film Festival Australia Announces Online Program across Australia

Irish Film Festival LogoIn 2021, the Irish Film Festival Australia will offer audiences across the country an incredible line-up of Ireland’s best feature films and compelling documentaries, online for the second consecutive year. Films from both emerging and established Directors focus on a full range of genres including family-friendly animation, comedy, moving drama, musical biopics and even a vampire horror movie.
“In light of the uncertainty surrounding the current pandemic and in order to deliver our festival program in the safest way possible, we have made the tough decision to run this year’s festival online again. We have a cracker of a line-up with 7 Australian premieres including hilarious comedies, award-winning drama, sports and musical documentaries, and the voices of women coming through loud and clear!” Dr Enda Murray, Irish Film Festival Director commented.

Dr Murray explained that the 2021 program boasts seven Australian premieres, including Wildfire, Broken Law, Deadly Cuts, The Bright Side, Phil Lynott: Songs For While I’m Away, Áine Tyrell – Irish Troubadour and Finding Jack Charlton. Dr Murray also said that this year’s festival amplifies the voices of women, with films by female Directors: The Bright Side by Ruth Meehan, A Bump Along the Way by Shelly Love, Wildfire by Cathy Brady, Deadly Cuts by Rachel Carey and Phil Lynott – Songs For While I’m Away, directed by Emer Reynolds. Furthermore, there’s a strong focus on themes such as breast cancer and surviving male violence.
Dr Murray said that festival award-winners include the stunning animation from Ireland’s Cartoon Saloon, Wolfwalkers, and Cathy Brady’s feature debut, Wildfire, for which she won Best Director at this year’s Irish Film & Television Awards (IFTAs), where Nika McGuigan was posthumously awarded Best Lead Actress. Dr Murray added that two exceptional documentaries explore a couple of Ireland’s greatest singer/songwriters: Thin Lizzy’s frontman, Phil Lynott: Songs For While I’m Away, by Emmy-winning Director and multiple award winning Editor Emer Reynolds; and Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGowan, the cinematic exploration of MacGowan’s life and career by iconic music Director Julien Temple (The Filth & The Fury, The Great Rock & Roll Swindle).
Another festival must-see is the black comedy, Deadly Cuts, from up-and-coming Director Rachel Carey. Audiences will also have exclusive behind-the-scenes access to films via our famous Q&A sessions with Festival Director Dr Enda Murray and a selection of our films’ Directors and cast.
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