The animated short film ‘Friendship’ from Lin Tam and Immix Studios, has won a prestigious Award of Excellence from the IndieFEST Film Awards. ‘Friendship’ was recognized for its universally touching themes and nostalgic 2.5D animation. The film was commended for its use of animation style and a live orchestrated score to bring out the passion and emotional depth within the narrative storytelling. “It’s an honor to win the Award of Excellence at the IndieFEST Awards for our animated project, Friendship. It’s been heartwarming to experience the recognition and hear what audiences love about the film,” Lin Tam, Director and Producer of ‘Friendship’ commented “Regardless of where in the world you come from, everyone can relate to having a close friend in their lives. That’s what makes this such a unifying piece of art.”
Tam explained that in addition to the IndieFEST award, ‘Friendship’ has earned several accolades, including wins at the Independent Shorts Awards and LA Independent Film Channel Festival. The film was recently nominated for the Montreal Independent Film Festival, a popular annual festival that attracts Cannes award winners, Oscar nominees, and emerging independent film projects. ‘Friendship’ is also selected at several other upcoming prestigious festivals including Cannes International Cinema Festival, Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival, Sene Film Festival, Oregon Short Film Festival, Indie Short Fest, Venice Shorts, and Image This Women’s Film Festival.