Alison Newman Releases Free Me from EP Wolf

Singer and songwriter Alison Newman is set to release ‘Free Me’ today (Friday, 26 July). This is the second track from her EP, ‘Wolf’.  “Free Me is my cry for help. I know I’m in deep with this Postnatal Depression and I’m calling in vain to the Wolf to free me from his grip, free my soul and leave me. I wish I knew how to get away, I wish I knew the answers,” Newman shares.

After the birth of her first child in 2008, she realised she was experiencing postnatal depression (PND) but did not acknowledge it or seek help at the time. It wasn’t until seven years later, following an incredibly traumatic birth resulting in an emergency C-section and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after the birth of her second child, that she sought help and received support from health professionals, medication, and family. Through the help she received, she was able to recover over time.

Her 5-track EP, ‘WOLF,’ delves into the uncomfortable subject of postnatal depression. The EP tells the story of her experience with PND, with each track covering different elements or experiences in her journey. The tracks run chronologically, providing a comprehensive narrative from the realisation of PND to returning to everyday life. The production team behind the EP was based in Spain and Argentina, and her vocals were recorded at home in Mt Gambier, South Australia. The songs are dark pop featuring melodramatic sounds, effects to set the scene, and layered vocals and harmonies to add depth to the storytelling. Her lead track, ‘Things Are About To Get Dark,’ was featured in radio interviews on Radio Eastern 98.1FM, 88.3 Southern FM, 5GTRFM 100.1, and ABC South East SA features, as well as in The SE Voice and The Border Watch. Newman has emerged as a vocal advocate for mental health awareness, with a dedicated focus on breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.

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