If Elected Canberra Liberals to overturn plastic bag ban

In an announcement today ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja said that if elected a Liberal Government would overturn the plastic bag ban that was brought in by ACT Labor and the ACT Greens, Mr Seselja commented that the announcement would give choice back to businesses and consumers.
ACT Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Simon Corbell said that the Liberals have again demonstrated their hypocrisy by back flipping on the banning of light-weight plastic bags in the ACT.
“Today Mr Seselja has finally revealed an environmental policy position, saying he would repeal the ban on plastic bags, despite the Liberals saying in 2004 that shopping bags would be made illegal by 2006, if they had won that election,” Mr Corbell commented.
Mr Seselja pointed out that in South Australia bin liner sales have doubled the national average since free plastic shopping bags were banned more than two years ago and that is why he wanted to give Canberra businesses the choice without the risk of a $27,500 fine.

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