Red Dawn

Directed by Dan Bradley
Starring Chris Hemsworth, Isabel Lucas and Josh Hutcherson
Rated M
Score 1/6

A group of teenagers look to save their town from an invasion of North Korean soldiers.

The release of the remake of Red Dawn prompted me to revisit the ’84 version of the movie. Now though the original movie is iconic in its own way I would have to say that considering I have a spinal cord injury that the original movie with all of its anti-communist propaganda that stands up as about much as I do.
Who felt that there was a pressing need to remake this movie? There were some laughable performances most notably being Josh Peck. In addition, the action sequences left me seriously doubting this movie’s status as an action movie.
First time director Dan Bradley really seemed to be a poor choice. He seemed to fail maintain an overall tone for the entire movie, there seemed to be so many different genres all at once when at best it had the heritage to be an average action movie.

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