

Director Andrew Goth
Starring Wesley Snipes, Kevin Howarth, Riley Smith
Rated MA
Score 2.5/6

A cursed gunman whose victims come back from the dead recruits a young warrior to help in the fight against a gang of zombies.

For those who are wondering the filming for Gallowwalkers coincided with Wesley Snipes’ tax troubles.
If I had not looked into it I would have sworn that this one was inspired by a comic book because while watching this I was reminded of the 2010 movie Jonah Hex, though while I am writing this review I can safely say that the only similarity between the two is that both movies are ‘beer & pizza’ movies, though I kind of got the impression that the movie might have flirted with an ‘R rating’ line.
As I have said before I enjoy westerns and Gallowwalkers had an interesting enough concept to make different from other westerns that I have watched. I really was not overly impressed with the cast as a whole, I would have liked to have seen a few more actors in this movie that I was actually familiar with, but Gallowwalers seemed to be the type of movie where the filmmakers cast whoever they could get. So I suppose actually completing this movie is an achievement in itself.

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