Fan Pilgrimage to the World Cup

Adam Burns, David Bewick and Pete Johnston three Sydney-based England fans plan Walk to the World Cup to raise $40,000 for charity, in epic fan pilgrimage to the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Adam Burns explained that they are trying to raise $40,000 for the J de V Arts Care Trust. The money will enable the charity to build a water well in Bahia, North East Brazil, a place which is suffering the worst draught in over 50 years. “We are three die hard England fans who are desperate to see England play in the World Cup in Brazil, but we also see the World Cup as an opportunity to do some good and help a very worthy cause like the J de V Arts Care Trust, a charity which is very close to our hearts,” David Bewick commented.
Their 1966km pilgrimage Mendoza will start in Argentina on the March 2nd and walk for approximately 100 days through Argentina, Uruguay and finally in to Brazil for the start of the World Cup on June 12th. “The drought in North East Brazil has already effected 10 million people and in Bahia, one million head of cattle, the equivalent of half the regions cattle herd have perished. We are hoping that Walk to the World Cup can raise the money required to build a new water well in Bahia which will be used by residents in the town for drinking water, irrigation and to rescue the remaining cattle,” Adam Burns commented.

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To find out more about Walk to the World Cup

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