According to research released by Roy Morgan Last year, 3.6 million Australians aged 14+ ate mints in an average four weeks, but just 2.7 million of these mint-eaters bought any in the same period.
“Roy Morgan’s latest research shows that Eclipse Mints remains the most popular brand. Over the past five years, Eclipse Mints has made gains and developed loyalties among Australians aged 35-49, but those aged 65+ are sticking to their old favourite Mentos Mints.” Angela Smith, Group Account Manager – Consumer Products commented.
The research also showed that on top of the 2.7 million who bought and ate mints, another 180,000 bought mints but didn’t eat any, for a total of nearly 2.9 million buyers. Eclipse Mints are the most eaten (and pilfered), with 1,158,000 buyers in an average four-week period in 2013 and 1,439,000 consumers. 780,000 eat Mentos Mints compared with 616,000 buying them. Only 550,000 Australians buy mint Tic Tacs in an average four weeks, but 747,000 eat them.