Australia Post Fleet Trials going Green

In an Australian-first, Renault’s 100 percent electric-powered delivery vans will shortly join Australia Post’s fleet in Melbourne and Sydney. The Renault Kangoo Maxi Z.E. (Zero Emission) electric van, currently not sold in Australia, is widely used across Europe and the United Kingdom and will be used exclusively by Australia Post from mid-2014 for a 12 month proof-of-concept.
“The electric vans will be powered by accredited Green Power from renewable energy sources to ensure we are maximising the potential to reduce our environmental impact. “The Kangoo proof-of-concept will give us a clearer picture of the benefits of using electric powered delivery vans. Through this assessment we expect to see at least a 50 percent reduction in energy costs and a 100 percent reduction in carbon emissions to comparable combustible-engine vehicles in our fleet.” Australia Post Head of Environmental Sustainability, Andrew Sellick said.
Renault Australia’s Managing Director, Justin Hocevar said “we are excited to broaden our existing relationship with Australia Post in rolling out the Kangoo Z.E. in Australia. Through our partnership with Australia Post, we are able to comprehensively investigate the business case for introducing the fully electric Kangoo Z.E. van in Australia in the future.”
Mr Sellick explained that The Kangoo proof-of-concept will give us a clearer picture of the benefits of using electric powered delivery vans. Through this assessment we expect to see at least a 50 percent reduction in energy costs and a 100 percent reduction in carbon emissions to comparable combustible-engine vehicles in our fleet.

Some of the alternative fuel initiatives implemented across Australia Post’s network have included the rollout of:
• 740 electric bikes that have replaced motorbikes at various locations
• more than 100 hybrid vehicles introduced to our fleet to replace existing six cylinder vehicles, reducing emissions by over 30 percent
• 25 hybrid trucks introduced into StarTrack’s fleet of vehicles, improving fuel efficiency by 20 percent improvement on average
• implementing 5 percent of bio-diesel to StarTrack’s fuel supply in 2012 – an initiative which has saved approximately 820 tonnes of carbon

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