

Director Peter Pfister
Starring Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Morgan Freeman
Rated M

A scientist’s drive for artificial intelligence, takes on dangerous implications when his consciousness is uploaded into one such program.

Like all good science-fiction Transcendence asks us to think about some of the important questions in life like, what it is to be human? And what is god? I can’t help but wonder that the filmmakers took too much of a light hearted touch with the themes that they wanted to deal with because transcending what it is to be human is something that demands a little more than the kid gloves that the filmmakers gave it.
Transcendence marks the directing debut of Peter Pfister who had previously worked as a cinematographer on such notable movies Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy and Inception.
Transcendence had an amazing cast, my only real problem with the movie was with the way the story was told in the form of a flashback. I believe that if the story was told in a more linear fashion it would have lent itself to more of an emotional investment in the movie and the finale would have had more of an emotional punch if you did not already know that the characters where marching towards a technological age without computers.

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