Brick Mansions


Director Camille Delamarre
Starring Paul Walker, David Belle, RZA
Rated M
Score 1/6

An undercover Detroit cop navigates a dangerous neighborhood that’s surrounded by a containment wall with the help of an ex-con in order to bring down a crime lord and his plot to devastate the entire city.

For those of you who are interested Brick mansions is the last film that Paul Walker completed before his death. Brick Mansions is also a remake of the 2004 French movie District 13 directed by Pierre Morel. I would argue that there are elements of the finale to D13’s sequel District 13: Ultimatum which was released in 2009 and directed by Patrick Alessandrin.
I am going to type this next part as slowly as possible to all the filmmakers out there who feel the need to remake European movies for an American audience, but while you are making your movie I want you to remember that that there was a reason why you decided there needed to be a remake so don’t fuck it up.
For those filmmakers out there who might have a two second attention span I’ll repeat myself movie I want you to remember that that there was a reason why you decided there needed to be a remake so don’t fuck it up.
It was great to see that French actor David Belle was cast in Brick Mansions in the exact same role that he had in the D13 movies. Belle’s casting and parkour ability was the only shining lights for this movie. Sadly it was not enough to save it.
Brick Mansions is a watered down imitation of District 13 director Camille Delamarre failed to bring any of the flair of District 13 to Brick Mansions and Paul Walker should not have been cast in favour of anybody who had a strong background in parkor. While the identity of the true villains of the movie was seemingly spoon-feed to the audience was insulting.

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