Assault on Wall Street


Director Uwe Boll
Staring Dominic Purcell, Erin Karpluk, Edward Furlong
Rated MA
Score 5/6

Jim, an average New Yorker, lives with a sick but loving wife. Suddenly, everything changes when the economy crashes and causes him to lose everything. Filled with anger and rage, Jim goes to seek revenge for the life taken from him.

Okay, this is an Uwe Boll movie. Yes I have read articles talking about the petitions asking for him to retire and it would seem that there is a general consensus regarding his ability as a film maker that he has no business on the set of a movie. In most cases I would agree with this. However, there are a handful of his movies that are really worth watching. These are the movies when he expresses a political opinion. The opinions that he expresses in these movies have been taken to the extreme and Boll has an amazing talent as a filmmaker for being able to express these opinions.
For the record I have been waiting to see this movie for about twelve months. I vaguely remember hearing about this when I watched the second of Boll’s rampage movies, Capital Punishment. This has a similar vibe to a recent Australian movie that I have reviewed called John Doe: Vigilante. Even if it’s just for the use of vigilante justice as plot point.
I suppose that in a lot of ways Assault on Wall Street can be regarded as an intelligent action movie. I bet that there are few of you out there who believe that Uwe Boll is incapable of such a thing, but hear me out. This is not one of those action movies, where you have a set action piece every half hour or so. This a metaphor for why it is important to have a properly funded public healthcare system, because even though health insurance is important there might be a time when you don’t have enough. And even with the most level headed person when they are pushed into a corner with no other options, there is a chance that they will do something stupid. Dominic Purcell gave a brilliant performance and it was kind of a shock to see Edward Furlong in this because the last movies I actually remember seeing him where Terminator 2 and American History X.


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