Dead Rising: Watchtower

Director Zach Lipovsky
Staring Jesse Metcalfe, Meghan Ory, Virginia Madsen
Rated MA
Score 3.5/6

A group of people fight to survive in a zombie infested town.

This digital feature, released via the website Crackle is an adapted from a game franchise of the same name that was first released back in 2006. Not being the biggest of gamers I can’t say with any degree of certainty how faithful of an adaption the movie was to the game, it should be noted that according to the timeline of the Dead Rising universe the game fits in between the second and third game. As far as movies go at least on the face of it this one was as simple as it could possibly get, though there really are not any award winning performances but there were more than a few funny moments involving the character Frank West and a news anchor.
I’m really not that familiar with any the director Zach Lipovsky’s work and it turns out that I have a passing familiarity with writer Tim Carter’s work particularly the 2012 video game Sleeping Dogs. I liked what looked to be thinly veiled references to FEMA and to the Westboro baptist church. Despite the simplicity of the movie Carter and Lipovsky actually managed to come to halfway decent ending which left things open to a sequel which has been announced for spring of 2016.

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