Vth Commonwealth Youth Games Comes to a Close

Some of the finest athletes across the globe have brought the flag down on five unforgettable days of great sporting achievements as the Commonwealth Youth Games came to an end.
Commenting on the overwhelming success of the Vth Commonwealth Youth Games, CGF President Louise Martin CBE said “Samoa has truly delivered, in every sense, the warmest, friendliest Commonwealth Youth Games ever. This small island state has done a fantastic job not simply delivering the logistics of these Games; it is the sincere spirit and genuine warmth with which the people of Samoa have embraced us all that will live long in our memories.”
Over five days, 926 athletes have competed across nine sports and a total of 107 Gold Medals were awarded.
Of the success of the games Samoan Minister of Education, Sports and Culture, Magele Mauiliu Magele said “Samoa takes great pride in representing the Pacific as host of the Commonwealth here in paradise. We hope all our visitors and new friends have enjoyed our Samoan hospitality over the last week and had a chance to explore our island home and enjoyed our Teuila Festival which had been running parallel to the Games. After education, Government places high priority on sports development as a way for our young people to create successful futures for themselves. The power of sport is in bringing people together and what better way to encourage tolerance and appreciation of the diverse world in which we live, than with inclusive sporting events such as these Youth Games.”
1,200 local volunteers worked to ensure that the Games ran smoothly and that all guests received a warm welcome to the Pacific. 48,000 bottles of water were consumed and 34,400 meals were prepared by local businesses at the Athletes Villages and Main Dining Hall. 500 shuttle journeys were made between venues on colourful traditional buses.
“The entire island community has pulled together to deliver a memorable Games and an inspiring sporting stage for the young athletes and a host of Commonwealth leaders. We have had incredibly positive feedback about the warm welcome and excellent venue facilities here in Samoa and I would like to congratulate the athletes and thank all of the volunteers, staff and sponsors for their enthusiasm and commitment.” Vitolio Lui, Chief Coordinator of the Games, commented.

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