Doctor Who: The Time Warrior

Director Alan Bromly
Staring Jon Pertwee & Elisabeth Sladen
Rated PG
Score 3/6

Journalist Sarah Jane Smith is impersonating her aunt, virologist Lavinia Smith, in order to gain access to a research centre where top scientists are being held in protective custody while UNIT investigates the disappearance of a number of their colleagues. The missing scientists have been kidnapped by a Sontaran, Linx, and taken back to medieval England, where they are working under hypnosis to repair his crashed spaceship.

The Time Warrior was the first serial of the 11th season and featured the third doctor Jon Pertwee from 15 December 1973 to 5 January 1974. This serial introduced Elisabeth Sladen as new companion Sarah Jane Smith. It also marked the debut of the Sontarans. This serial also introduces the name of the Doctor’s home planet, Gallifrey.
Of the older serials of Doctor Who that I have watched recently, The Time Warrior probably is not going to be one that sticks in my memory for that long. This probably has something to do with the villain of the piece Irongron portrayed by David Daxter and Linx portrayed by Kevin Lindsay. Maybe I’m being overly cynical again but their plan and more importantly the characters, just did not have the ability to just for a few moments make me think that they would be able to defeat the Doctor

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