The Snow Kimono 2015 ACT Book of the Year

Acting Minister for Arts Mick Gentleman has recently announced that Mark Henshaw’s The Snow Kimono has been announced as the winner of the 2015 ACT Book of the Year.
“Congratulations to Mark whose work The Snow Kimono has been chosen as 2015 ACT Book of the Year. The Snow Kimono also received the NSW Premier’s Literary Award last year, and truly is a remarkable book,” Mr. Gentleman commented “I would also like to pass on my congratulations to Omar Musa who was highly commended for his work Here Come the Dogs, and was also voted People’s Choice. Congratulations must also go to the two other shortlisted authors, Jono Lineen for Into the Heart of the Himalayas and Sam Vincent for his work Blood and Guts. All of this year’s shortlisted authors produced works of exceptional quality, and they are all outstanding authors whose work should be celebrated.” Mr. Gentleman added.
Mr. Gentleman said that in recognition of their great work, and for the first time, Omar Musa will receive $2,000 for being highly commended, and Jono Lineen and Sam Vincent will each receive $1,000 for being shortlisted.

Nominations for the 2016 ACT Book of the Year Award will open early next year.

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