QFES Volunteers honored in National Volunteer Week (9 – 15 May)

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) volunteers will be in the spotlight this week as Australians say ‘thank you’ during National Volunteer Week (9 – 15 May). Minister for Fire and Emergency Services Bill Byrne said from Queensland’s cities to remote communities, qualified QFES volunteers were always there to lend a hand.
“The dedication of emergency services volunteers never ceases to amaze me as they selflessly work to help communities during bushfires, chemical spills, land searches, rescues and cyclones,” Mr. Byrne said.
QFES Commissioner Katarina Carroll said QFES volunteers had the skills and training to keep communities safe without concern of time or distance.
“Our volunteers are provided with training, equipment and support so that they can respond to anyone, at any time, with confidence and expertise,” Ms Carroll said “Queensland is such a large state but it is good to know that more than 43,000 QFES volunteers are there to help their friends, neighbours and communities at a moments’ notice.”
Ms Carroll explained that in addition, QFES utilises the specific skills of 23 volunteers in Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) deployments following man-made and natural disasters, from canine handlers to engineers and doctors. Our Research and Scientific Branch also call on the expertise of around 40 qualified chemists and chemical engineers across the state as volunteer Scientific Advisors, who respond to chemical emergencies.
“I also encourage all Queenslanders to get involved with Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW Day) this Wednesday, 11 May, to show your support for SES volunteers.” Ms Carroll commented.

Wear Orange Wednesday

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