Fire Action Week Launched in Victoria

Victorians are being urged to prepare for the upcoming fire season with the launch of Fire Action Week. Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino and Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio joined Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley and the state’s chief fire officers today to launch the annual fire readiness week.The launch was part of the summer pre-season briefing at the State Control Centre on Victoria’s bushfire outlook.
Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley explained Victorians are being urged to talk with family, friends and neighbours about fire risk and plan for what they will do on hot, dry, windy days in the upcoming fire season. Commissioner Lapsley went on to add that a new campaign urging people to be fire ready gets underway this week, with advertisements in high bushfire risk areas to remind people to understand their fire risk now and plan ahead – not when a fire starts.
“Fire planning and preparation is a shared responsibility between community members, the emergency management sector, business and industry and we need to work together to look after each other and to build safer and more resilient communities.” Commissioner Lapsley commented.
“Despite the recent wet weather our Forest Fire Management Victoria crews are out slashing, clearing fuel breaks and conducting planned burning where conditions allow to help reduce the risk of bushfires faced by Victorian communities.” Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio commented.
“Making informed decisions is vital to your safety during a fire. On hot, dry, windy days, fires will start and spread quickly. The best way to protect yourself and your family is to leave early.” Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino commented.
Minister Merlino explained that The Andrews Labor Government has also invested an extra $11.1 million to bring two of the world’s biggest firefighting aircraft back to Victoria. Last summer, Victoria’s firefighting aviation fleet was critical in stopping the spread of devastating bushfires at Wye River, Scotsburn and Barnawartha. The Large Air Tankers, named RJ and Hercules, will complete Victoria’s 48 strong aviation fleets, which also includes a fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and two 7500-litre air cranes that will be used to protect communities around the state.

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