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Katrina Channels Leaving Allen Street Interview – Melbourne Documentary Film Festival 2020

A big thank you to Katrina Channels taking the time to answer some questions about her Documentary Leaving Allen Street which is featured in the 2020 Melbourne Documentary Film Festival. Luke Farrell · Interview with Documentary Director Katrina Channels

Cocktails Delivered to Your Door Anyone?

As Australia’s bar industry reels from COVID-19 lockdowns, a Melbourne entrepreneur is supporting local distillers one cocktail at a time. Mel How has established The Cocktail Shop to support Australia’s incredible distillers, giving home cocktail makers a taste of the best local brands in easy-to-make cocktail kits delivered to your door. “Every alcohol and drink…

$16 Million Investment in WA Regional Film Production

Screen production in Western Australia’s spectacular regions has received a $16 million investment over the next four years through the McGowan Government. The investment will be made to the WA Screen Fund (previously Western Australian Regional Film Fund), which encourages production in the State’s regions and helps to boost local economies. “You only have to…

10th Anniversary re-release of Inception

Warner Bros. Pictures is partnering with exhibitors to invite audiences around the world to celebrate the 10th Anniversary re-release of Christopher Nolan’s critically acclaimed box office sensation “Inception” on July 17. This special anniversary theatrical event will also give audiences a never-before-seen look at footage from Nolan’s highly anticipated film “Tenet,” which will debut worldwide…

Netflix Announces Blood & Water Season 2

Netflix have announced that Blood & Water has been renewed for a second season. In the second season, we will see Puleng and Fikile deal with the consequences of their explosive confrontation as more mystery and drama unfolds. Khosi Ngema, Ama Qamata, Natasha Thahane, Gail Mabalane, Cindy Mahlangu, Thabang Molaba, Arno Greeff and Dillon Windvogel…

Smiley Face Road Signs Prove Successful

An evaluation of the ‘Smiley Face’ road sign trial has found the signs have been successful in slowing down drivers on Canberra’s roads. The trial of Smiley Face road signs that aims to reduce speeding by reinforcing positive driver behaviour ran from February 2018 until October 2019. Five signs were rotated around different residential locations…

Dick Tracy

Director Warren Beatty Starring Warren Beatty, Madonna, Al Pacino Rated PG Score 5/6 All Tess Trueheart wants is to settle down to a quiet life with her boyfriend, detective Dick Tracy. But there’s something pretty rotten going on in town, with someone pretty rotten behind it, and Tracy has his hands full with the likes…