themovieboards - Editor

Lieven Bertels Dendy Direct’s Guest Curator for January

Dendy has announced that Lieven Bertels, Festival Director of Sydney Festival, as Dendy Direct’s Guest Curator for January 2016. A spokesperson for Dendy explained that the Dendy Direct guest curator programme is people we love sharing the movies they love with an audience that love movies. Past Guest Curators include Lisa Genova (author of Still…

Point Break (2015)

Director Ericson Core Staring Édgar Ramírez, Luke Bracey, Ray Winstone Rated M Score 0.5/6 A young FBI agent infiltrates an extraordinary team of extreme sports athletes he suspects of masterminding a string of unprecedented, sophisticated corporate heists. Before I get too far into this review a small piece of trivia regarding the ‘remake’ of Point…

Autographed Copy of Mein Kampf to be Auctioned

A 1933 edition of Mein Kampf signed boldly by Hitler will appear at a Yonkers, N.Y. auction on Jan. 5, 2016. “Hitler’s signature was also printed under his portrait. That facsimile is frequently mistaken for an authentic autograph. The book offered here bears a true signature, authenticated by the late H. Keith Thompson, Jr., partner…

The 2016 Movie Boards Survey

In 2016 I want to get to know everybody out there who visits The Movie Boards in the great wide world a little better. I have questions that I would like to ask and considering that my travel budget is very limited, I hope that you will take the time to answer my questions and…

Point Break (1991)

Director Kathryn Bigelow Staring Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey Rated M Score 5/6 An FBI agent goes undercover to catch a gang of bank robbers who may be surfers. Okay on face of it, the 2016 release of the remake of Point Break is probably going to be nothing like the original, so be…

Unwanted Christmas Gifts ….. Know Your Rights!!!

Following the Christmas and Boxing Day sale rush, Victorians are being urged to understand their shopping rights before returning their unwanted presents or purchases. Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation Jane Garrett said thousands of gifts would be returned this holiday period but many people were confused about their refund and return rights.…

Dumb Criminals : The Movie

Director Paul Fenech Starring Paul Fenech, Kevin Taumata, Angry Anderson, Ashley Avci, Tahir Bilgic Rated MA Score 3.5/6 Rabbit and Rongo, two dumb but kind-hearted criminals, want to help a young girl get the medical treatment she needs. Inspired by true crimes around the world, they attempt to raise money through a series of dumb…

Falls Festival Receives Financial Support

Victorian Minister for Tourism and Major Events John Eren has announced that the Andrews Labor Government will contribute financial support to the tune of $200,000 including a contribution of up to $50,000 from the Commonwealth Government so that the Falls Festival can take place this New Year’s Eve at Mount Duneed, north of Torquay. Mr.…

33rd Australian National Blind Cricket Championships

With the current fate of the Trans-Tasman trophy yet to be decided, there is even more cricketing action this summer as teams from Australia and New Zealand go head to head at the 33rd Australian National Blind Cricket Championships. The Australian National Blind Cricket Championships run from December 28 to January 7. Acting Minister for…