themovieboards - Editor

Additional Disaster Assistance Bushfire affected Victorian Communites

Minister for Justice Michael Keenan and Victorian Minister for Emergency Services Jane Garrett have announced disaster assistance in response to the bushfires that affected Victorian communities on 25 December 2015. Mr. Keenan explained that the assistance is being provided under the jointly-funded Commonwealth-State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements. “The relief grants will help support…

War Pigs

Director Ryan Little Staring Luke Goss, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Liddell Rated MA Score 2/6 A rag tag unit of misfits known as the War Pigs must go behind enemy lines to exterminate Nazis by any means necessary. My first thoughts headed into this one was that was some kind of riff of the whole idea…

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Director Wes Ball Staring Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster Rated M Score 1/6 After having escaped the Maze, the Gladers now face a new set of challenges on the open roads of a desolate landscape filled with unimaginable obstacles. I really didn’t have high hopes entering into this one, and the only thing that…

3 days left till the Woodford Folk Festival

There is only three days left till the Woodford Folk festival and 2015 marks the festival’s 30th anniversary. Festival Founder, Bill Hauritz, is eager to unveil the new festival layout with a heavy focus on the visual aesthetic with new sculptures, bars and venues. Festival Founder, Bill Hauritz, is eager to unveil the new festival…

Recalled Washing Machines not Located

Over two years since the recall of 144,000 Samsung washing machine the ACCC has announced that 45 047 recalled Samsung washing machines have not been located in homes across Australia, posing a serious fire risk to the community. ACCC Deputy Chair Delia Rickard explained that in April 2013 Samsung announced a recall of over 144…

Australian Breakfast Media

According to the recent research released by Roy Morgan Research in the 12 months to September 2015, 73.1% of Australians over the age of 14 used one or more forms of media at breakfast time on an average weekday—and more of us are using the internet: now 18.0% go online at breakfast, up from 8.2%…

Second Series of Ordinary Lies Commissioned

Ordinary Lies, created by award-winning writer Danny Brocklehurst, has been commissioned for a second series by Polly Hill, Controller of BBC Drama Commissioning and Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One. The series will be produced by RED Production Company for BBC One. “Danny’s brilliant scripts really do make the ordinary lives of our characters become…

Seven Christmas Toys fail safety requirements

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s pre-Christmas safety check of nearly 3,300 toys in stores and online, has found seven potentially dangerous toys that fail mandatory safety requirements. ACCC Deputy Chair Delia Rickard explained that the affected products include four stuffed/plush toys that produce small parts and choking hazards when subject to tension testing; one…

Spooks: the greater good

Director Bharat Nalluri Starring Kit Harington, Peter Firth, Jennifer Ehle & Elyes Gabel Rated M Score 5/6 When a terrorist escapes custody during a routine handover, Will Holloway must team with disgraced MI5 Intelligence Chief Harry Pearce to track him down before an imminent terrorist attack on London. Spooks for the greater good is set…

New Zealand, Breakfast and the Internet

According to recent research released by Roy Morgan in the 12 months to June 2015, over one million Kiwis over the age of 14 (29.7%) used the internet at breakfast time on a normal weekday, more than double the 13.2% going online first thing back in 2011. “Even though internet usage has become much more…