themovieboards - Editor

Improving ACT book of the year prize

Minister for the Arts Joy Burch recently announced that the ACT Government will look at ways to improve the ACT Book of the Year prize to give shortlisted and winning authors more opportunities to promote their success. “In my discussions with the arts community about the Book of the Year prize, it has become clear…

Boys of Abu Ghraib

Director Luke Moran Starring Luke Moran, Sean Astin & Sara Paxton Rated MA Score 5/6 An American soldier deployed at Abu Ghraib finds himself behind the walls of the infamous Hard Site, where he develops a secret friendship with an Iraqi detainee. One thing that I have always wondered about movies that are real life…

Age of The Dragons

Director Ryan Little Starring Danny Glover, Vinnie Jones, Corey Sevier Rated M Score 1/6 Herman Melville’s classic novel Moby Dick, is recreated in a world where Captain Ahab and his crew search for a Great White Dragon. I can understand the filmmaker’s logic behind making a change to Melville’s 1851 novel Moby Dick, being that…


Director Brett Ratner Starring Dwayne Johnson, John Hurt, Ian McShane Rated M Score 3/6 Having endured his legendary twelve labors, Hercules, the Greek demigod, has his life as a sword-for-hire tested when the King of Thrace and his daughter seek his aid in defeating a tyrannical warlord. After recently watching The Legend of Hercules starring…

Previously unknown soldiers identified and laid to rest

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Senator the Hon. Michael Ronaldson recently dedicated the headstones of 20 Australian soldiers on behalf of the Prime Minister and the Australian Government. “The identities of the 20 soldiers who were honoured at today’s ceremony were announced in May 2014 and are among 144 Australians who have been identified to…


Director Brian Helgeland Starring Chadwick Boseman, T.R. Knight, Harrison Ford Rated PG Score 6/6 The story of Jackie Robinson from his signing with the Brooklyn Dodgers organization in 1945 to his historic 1947 rookie season when he broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball. Ok, I have to admit that there was a large…

A Car Door and the $7 Medicare co-payment

Apologies for not making the Editor’s Note a regular feature on the movie boards. But it’s been awhile since I have had anything important to say. Before I get to far into this piece I would like to take the opportunity to say to the not so honourable Prime Minister Tony ‘the mad monk’ Abbott…

October 7 Floriade Dog’s Day

Minister for Tourism and Events Andrew Barr recently announced that RSPCA ACT has come on board as a Floriade 2014 charity partner. “The animal welfare organisation, alongside another local charity which will be announced closer to the event, will enhance Floriade’s festival atmosphere and raise awareness of their important causes with unique experiences and an…

ABC TV commissions third season of Please Like Me

ABC TV is pleased to announce the much anticipated second season of Josh Thomas’ Please Like Me will premiere on Tuesday August 12 at 9.30pm on ABC2, along with premiere of the second season a third season has been commissioned by ABC TV, in collaboration with US television network, Pivot. “I’m just thrilled ABC TV…