News Articles

Movie News

Susan Sarandon coming to Melbourne for La Dolce Italia

Eventcepts is incredibly excited to announce that preparations have begun for the arrival of Ms. Susan Sarandon into Melbourne, marking her first visit to the city. The Academy Award winning actress is traveling to participate in two La Dolce Italia events, where she will share tales of her revered life and career. Fittingly, Ms. Sarandon’s…

Corbell Reforming Double Jeopardy Laws

Today ACT Attorney-General Simon Corbel has introduced new laws into the Legislative Assembly that will ensure that people acquitted of serious offences in cases where a trial has found to be tainted or fresh and compelling evidence has been found will be able to be retried. “The Supreme Court Amendment Bill 2016 provides a range…

Applications for ACT Multicultural Participation Grants Program Open

Yvette Berry Minister for Multicultural and Youth Affairs is encouraging local community groups involved in promoting and nurturing cultural diversity across Canberra to apply for a share in the ACT Government’s $260,000 Participation (Multicultural) Grants Program. Minister Berry explained that the main aim of the grant program is to enhance the community through the provision…

Pitt to Morrison: Don’t Short Change Queensland

Queensland’s Treasurer Curtis Pitt says Queenslanders will have their chance at the coming federal election to pass judgement on any attempt to short-change the state on infrastructure spending in tomorrow night’s Federal Budget. “If NSW and Victoria receive the lion’s share of a suggested $5 billion for public transport infrastructure in the Federal Budget, then…

Women’s Health Victoria Celebrates Safe Access Zones

Women’s Health Victoria is celebrating the commencement of safe access zones in Victoria today. We congratulate the Victorian Government on introducing this important and long awaited reform and thank all the parliamentarians involved in the passing of this legislation. Rita Butera, Executive Director of Women’s Health Victoria explained that the legislation creates safe access zones…

Turner Launching Movie Streaming Service FilmStruck

Turner Classic Movies (TCM) and the Criterion Collection will be collaborating to develop Turner’s first domestic direct-to-consumer streaming product, launching in the fall of 2016. Peter Becker, president of the Criterion Collection explained that this brand new subscription video on-demand service for film aficionados, developed and managed by Turner Classic Movies (TCM) in collaboration with…