News Articles

Movie News

2016 Plant Fair at Lanyon

Minister for the Arts Joy Burch has welcomed the formation of a new partnership which sees the Horticultural Society of Canberra join with the Cultural Facilities Corporation to deliver the 2016 Lanyon Plant Fair. “I am delighted that the popular Lanyon Plant Fair will now continue under the auspices of the Horticultural Society of Canberra…

Step into the Limelight art exhibition opened at ANU school of Art

Minister for Education and Training Joy Burch today officially opened the ‘Step into the Limelight’ art exhibition which features over 400 quality artworks by ACT students from 30 public schools. “The Limelight program highlights the wonderful artistic talent and programs available in public schools and the outstanding commitment of students, teachers, parents, and the local…

Parents, Driving & the Kids

Here is something to keep in mind the next time you give Junior a lift to the movies or those after school activities, according to recent research released by Roy Morgan parents drive over 1800km a year more than the average Australian driver—the equivalent of an extra trip from Melbourne to Brisbane during the year.…

Gin on the way up, Tequila and White Rum on the way down

According to recent research released by Roy Morgan Research Gin is gaining on vodka as Australia’s white spirit of choice. The research revealed that over 1.1 million Australian adults drink vodka in an average four week period virtually unchanged compared with five years ago despite overall population growth. The number of the average number of…

New fitness stations for Gungahlin and Phillip

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, has invited the public to help design new outdoor fitness stations are planned for the north and Southside of Canberra. “Yerrabi Pond District Park in Gungahlin and Eddison Park in Phillip will each receive new outdoor gyms, but the types of equipment they will include and where…

Almaty 2022 potential Host City

With the 2018 Winter Olympics having been awarded to Pyeongchang, South Korea it’s only natural that we start to wonder who is in the running for the games and the IOC Executive Board has narrowed the candidate cities down to Oslo, Norway; Almaty, Kazakhstan; and Beijing, China. It should be noted that Olso Oslo withdrew…

More Bike Infrastructure needed to Get us on our Bikes

Bicycle Network have demanded that government invest more in bike infrastructure and stem the crippling cost of health care caused by diseases linked to physical inactivity. Bicycle Network’s Chief Executive Officer, Craig Richards said that today’s National Cycling Participation Survey 2015 figures showed the National Cycling Strategy’s vision of doubling bike rider numbers by 2016…

Village Cinemas Launches Vpremium Experience

Vpremium is the latest cinema concept to have recently launched in Australia by Village Cinemas, which is exclusive to Melbourne with two Vpremium Cinemas being opened at Jam Factory cinema. Village Cinemas Australia CEO Kirk Edwards said Vpremium provides a step up from the traditional cinema-going experience for a few extra dollars. Mr. Edwards added…