The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) becomes the first mainstream western media organization to launch a Chinese registered web portal. Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, has congratulated the ABC on its achievement, saying “the potential for Australia’s relationship with China to grow and prosper has never been greater and the launch tonight is a testament to…
News Articles
Movie News
Canberra and Region Heritage Festival kicks off
by themovieboards - Editor •
The Canberra and Region Heritage Festival kicks off this weekend with lots to suit all ages and interests, including events in keeping with this year’s Festival theme Conflict and Compassion, Minister for Planning Mick Gentleman said today. “Take some time with family and friends to have some fun and adventure — and discover what’s so…
Abseiling to raise Money for Autism Education Services
by themovieboards - Editor •
Member for Taylor, Leesa Vlahos, has abseiled 132 metres down Westpac House this morning as part of Abseil for Anglicare, a fundraiser for Autism education services. At the time of her abseil, Ms Vlahos raised $7,313 for the Anglicare Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre (ASELCC). At the time of writing, participants raised a…
The Great Autmn Weed Swap
by themovieboards - Editor •
ACT Minister Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury has announced that the Autumn weed swap is on again! On Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 April, Canberrans can swap invasive weeds from their garden for free Australian native plants. “Whether you have an established garden, a yard that is a bit out of control or live…
Marngrook Footy Show Receives First Logie Nomination
by themovieboards - Editor •
Victorian Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Natalie Hutchins, has congratulated the Marngrook Footy Show on its 2015 Logie nomination. The Marngrrook Footy show was nominated under the Most Popular Sports Program category; this is the first Logie nomination for the Marngrook Footy Show. Ms Hutchins said the nomination reflected the show’s fresh approach and insightful perspective…
Greens Calling for ANZAC Day Weekday Public Holiday
by themovieboards - Editor •
This year because April 25th falls on a Saturday the NSW government has decided to only make that Saturday a public holiday and not to give working people a weekday public holiday on the following Monday. The Greens are calling on the Premier Mike Baird to intervene and deliver working people that little bit of…
1 billion views for Eurovision YouTube Channel
by themovieboards - Editor •
The official YouTube channel of the Eurovision Song Contest has recently gathered more than 1 billion views. “We are very proud to have hit this milestone just before the 60th Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna,” says Jon Ola Sand, Executive Supervisor on behalf of the EBU. “We are very grateful for the hard work…
Equality for Stawell Gift Prize Money
by themovieboards - Editor •
The Stawell Gift the prestigious 120m handicap – Australia’s oldest and richest short distance running event – offers male athletes a $60,000 prize purse, and a $40,000 lump sum for the winner. Before 2015, the women’s event attracted a pool of $6000, but this year marks parity. Minister for Sport, Tourism and Major Events, John…
32 Logie Nominations for ABC TV
by themovieboards - Editor •
ABC TV has received 32 nominations, more than any other network, and a record number for ABC TV, for the 57th TV Week Logie awards. Richard Finlayson, ABC Director of Television explained that ABC TV received 27 nominations in the ‘outstanding’ categories and five nominations in the ‘popular’ categories, representing a wide range of genres…
Research: Sports Affects levels of depression, anxiety and stress
by themovieboards - Editor •
The latest findings from Roy Morgan Research show that the 1.35 million Australian adults who participate regularly in some kind of team sport are noticeably less likely than the average Aussie to experience mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety or stress. “Everybody knows sport is good for you: its fitness and weight-loss benefits are…