News Articles

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New voting system for blind or low vision voters

Now that early voting for the 2013 federal election, the Electoral commission has announced that voters who are blind or have low vision can now access a telephone voting service that enables them to cast a secret vote. “Blind or low vision voters can still vote with assistance at one of the several thousand polling…

New Laws to protect Canberra from substandard builders

Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell recently announced that there are that new laws will protect the public from substandard construction practices in the ACT. Mr. Corbell commented “Before today, the Construction Occupations Registrar could only consider whether an applicant would be eligible to be licensed based on training and competency, and…

Eat more Chicken Soup

Here is something for you to think about the next time you enjoy a bowl of chicken soup according to recent research released by the Australian Chicken Meat Federation shows that the majority of Australians (58%) enjoy chicken soup when they have cold and flu symptoms with an overwhelming 87% those opting for it because…

News Headline stamp release

Australia Post has recently released a stamp issue featuring news headline events from the 20th century. The stamps feature “news headlines” announcing the end of World War II in 1945; the Moon landing in 1969; Cyclone Tracy in 1974 and our America’s Cup win in 1983. “These events all made news around the world, especially…

Do you know your family eye history?

According to recent research by The RANZCO (Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists) Eye Foundation, 46% of Australians don’t know or haven’t asked if there is a history of eye disease in their family. “This fresh statistic that almost 1 in 2 Australians don’t know or haven’t inquired as to whether they have…

National stroke campaign stresses importance of FAST

Minister for Health, Tanya Plibersek, recently announced $2 million for a national stroke campaign that shows people how to recognize signs of stroke and stresses the importance of responding to them fast. “Stroke is the second most common cause of death in Australia, “Around 60 per cent of people who’ve had a stroke don’t make…

AEC encourages missing eligible voters to enroll

With the 2013 election approaching the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is calling on the community to help find almost 1.4 million eligible missing voters with the launch of the ‘Don’t leave it to the last minute’ enrollment campaign by Electoral Commissioner, Ed Killesteyn. “Time is running out for the almost 1.4 million eligible voters still…