News Articles

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Onesie searches on the rise

With the cold months of winter upon us, new figures released by EBay June show that there were 140,000 searches for onesies in June the figures also show that searches have risen 200 per cent since January when they were looked for only 44 000 times. “The popularity of the onesie has seen parties dedicated…

Royalla solar farm receives approval

Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell recently approved a proposal to build a 20MW solar farm on land adjacent to the Monaro Highway, the proposed solar farm will be the largest solar farm to be developed in Australia to date. “The solar farm proposal will contribute to a reduction of around 560,000…

ACT Emergency Services phone number a fax number?

Shadow Emergency Services Minister, Brendan Smyth, has revealed that the Emergency Services Agency telephone number in the White Pages phone directory goes to a fax machine. “Yesterday’s Estimates hearing identified Government delays in upgrading the ACT’s communications and mobile data systems as a problem. Today’s revelation confirms the Government can’t even get the basics right,”…

Now enroll to vote online

According to current figure there are 1.4 million eligible Australians, or close to 10 per cent, still missing from the electoral roll. In effort to get more people enrolled to vote Special Minister of State Mark Dreyfus has launched online enrollment. “The biggest challenge is our newest and youngest voters, with only one in two…

2013 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards Shortlists

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Arts Minister Tony Burke today announced the 2013 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards shortlists. “From children’s books that excel in the art of storytelling, through to revealing works of non-fiction and history, the 2013 shortlists represent the breadth and depth of the Australian story, and imagination.” Arts Minister Tony Burke commented.…

DIAC warns of SMS visa scam

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship has recently issued a warning to temporary working holiday visa holders to be aware of scam text messages which appear to be from the department, seeking final payments for their visa application. “The department has received information from a number of clients who have been sent these text messages,…

Slim Dusty $1 coin launched

The Royal Australian Mint has officially launched a coin recognizing Slim Dusty’s contribution to Australian society. “Slim inspired many with not only his songs about real Australians but also his passion for life and it’s fitting that he be included in this honored series” Royal Australian Mint Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ross MacDiarmid commented. Wife…

$18.1 Billion in lost Australian Super

According to the 2013 Westpac Lost Super Report Westpac has revealed that Australia has $18.1 billion of lost super. “Superannuation is a subject that most people tend to avoid, particularly when it comes to lost super, where Australians seem to be disengaged,” said Deanne Stewart, Westpac Head of Superannuation. Deanne Stewart explained that 1 in…