News Articles

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How is your Fire Safety?

According to recent research only 10 per cent of Australian family households admitting to meeting Australia’s fire and emergency services. The research also found that only 10 per cent of those Australian households surveyed are testing their smoke alarms monthly with only 42 per cent changing their smoke alarm batteries annually. “Australians are placing themselves…

Top 100 Canberra Likes announced

Minister for the Arts, Joy Burch recently announced the Top 100 Canberra Likes. The campaign was launched in October 2012 to find the top 100 reasons why locals like living in the ACT. Minister for the Arts, Joy Burch explained that people nominated almost 14,000 reasons why they like living in the ACT. These ‘likes’…

National Ride2school day

Over 140,000 students across Australia are getting ready to leave there parent’s car behind as they walk, ride or skate to school on Bicycle Network’s National Ride2School Day, Friday 22 March. Ride2School Team Manager, Miss Kelly Pearson says that encouraging students to ride to school makes them more self-sufficient and is a crucial part of…

Tidbinbilla hosting 2013 Oceania Cycling Championship

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury welcomed road cyclists to Canberra for the 2013 Oceania Road Cycling Championships, which is being held at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. “The races will run on Thursday 14 March 2013, Saturday 16 March 2013 and Sunday 17 March 2013, following a number of different routes which all finish…

Shopping Centre and parks to receive new bins and furniture

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury recently announced that work commenced to install new street furniture and larger bin facilities at 10 shopping centres and three local parks across the ACT. “Shopping centre sites selected include Kingston; Manuka; Mawson; Dickson; Petrie Plaza in Civic; Jamison; Hawker; Curtin; Kippax and Watson. Three park sites…

Preschool numbers up

In a report released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics has shown that 60,000 more children are now registered in preschool and kindergarten programs than there were in 2008. “The Gillard Government has placed strong emphasis on early childhood education and provided additional investment, and along with national Universal Access agreements, has helped ensure Australian…

Visa Red Tape Cut

Under a new, move by the Gillard Government Visitor visas will be simplified and a new short stay activity visa will be created. Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Brendan O’Connor commented that final approval of the legislation by the Governor-General is required; this builds on the Better Regulation Ministerial Partnership commitment to cut the total…

Rock Wallabies sighted after Grampians fire contained

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury welcomed the news of a Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby sighting in the Grampians National Park in Victoria, following the suppression of a fire in the area in late-February 2013. “On Tuesday 19 February 2013, staff from ACT Parks and Conservation Service combined forces with the NSW National Parks and…