News Articles

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Austrialian Developed application to help fight Alzheimer’s disease

An Australian developed world-first application has been launched to fight against Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. “Most people are aware of what they can do to reduce their risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke but what isn’t well known is that these same lifestyle choices may also lower the risk of developing…

New Walking and Cycling Projects Anounced

Simon Corbell the Australian Capital Territory Minister for Territory and Municipal services recently announced $9 million for seven new walking and cycling projects for Canberra. “These projects have been identified in a review that looked at ways to improve the ACT’s walking and cycling networks between town and employment centres,” Minister Corbell commented. “The ACT…

Gaming Advisory Board Purposed

Deputy leader of the Canberra Liberal party and Shadow Minister for Gaming and Racing, Brendan Smyth put forward a proposal to the legislative assembly of the Australian Capital Territory for the establishment of a Gaming Advisory Board. Mr. Smyth commented that the primary purpose of the Gaming Advisory Board will be to provide advice to…

New Mobile Phone Laws in Canberra

ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope recently announced that laws regarding the use of mobile phones while driving have been tightened. Under the new laws it is illegal for a driver from holding a mobile phone, cradling a phone on their shoulder or resting it on their lap while driving. “Research shows that drivers are four…

‘Plant for Lung Cancer’ tree planting day

Sunday August 29th saw the planning of 760 trees for The National Lung Cancer ‘Plant for Lung Cancer’ tree planting day at Pine Island where Chief Minister Jon Stanhope unveiled a commemorative plaque. Other tree planting days where held on the 29th across Australia in cities including Sydney, Brisbane, Launceston and Melbourne. “More than 7,600…

New Australian Capital Territory Magistrate Appointed

The newest magistrate of the Australian Capital Territory Ms Lorriane Walker was sworn in a ceremonial sitting of ACT Magistrates Court on Monday. “Ms Walker comes with significant experience in the legal profession, and also has a strong background in legal education” ACT Attorney General Simon Corbell commented Ms Walker has extensive legal career spanning…

Fighting Spam

Computer retailer Notebooks R Us have been issued with a formal warning by the Australian Communication and Media Authority after an investigation that found the computer retailer had breached the Spam Act 2003 for sending commercial electronic messages without the consent of the recipients. Isn’t it great that something is being done about Spam marketing?…

OutInCanberra People’s Choice Awards

Despite popular opinion, Canberra is not full of politicians, public servants and national monuments. One of the best ways to found out what are the best places to go for a meal and have fun in Canberra is Monday May 3rd 2010 Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Andrew Barr for the Australian Capital…