News Articles

Movie News

52 Million Parcels Delivered in December

Australia Post has again delivered a huge Christmas, with 52 million parcels delivered through the December peak and more packages moving by air than ever before. Group Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director Paul Graham said many months had been spent preparing for the festive season and despite the continuing challenges presented by the pandemic,…

The Russian Film Industry Headed to WEMW

The Russian film industry will be widely represented at the international co-production forum When East Meets West (WEMW), which will be held January 24–28 in Trieste, Italy. For the first time Russia will be “a country in focus” of one of the largest European co-production platform. “The participation of the Russian delegation in the international…

AFP Launches Investigations into RAT Price Gouging

The AFP has launched investigations into rapid antigen test (RAT) price gouging and is warning individuals and businesses they face five years’ imprisonment for re-selling COVID-19 tests for more than 20 per cent of the original retail purchase price. Two investigations have begun in Queensland and NSW after referrals from the Australian Competition and Consumer…

Clear Australian Skies Making the ISS Visible

After a week of rain, the clouds will finally part today to reveal one of humanities greatest achievements flying through the Australian sky. For one week only, the skies above Australia are a little bit more crowded than usual, with the International Space Station (ISS) clearly visible above. Scientists at ANSTO Australia’s knowledge centre for…

Eduardo Cisneros and Jason Shuman Sign writing/producing deal With Sony

Sony Pictures Entertainment have announced that writing/producing duo Eduardo Cisneros and Jason Shuman have signed a writing/producing deal with the studio under their new production arm, RaqMar Entertainment. “It is critically important to us to tell stories that subvert negative stereotypes and embrace cultural specificity in an authentic way, and we are grateful to Sony…

The Raid Reimagination Headed to Netflix

A reimagining of Gareth Evans’ The Raid is heading to Netflix. Patrick Hughes will direct the feature film, with Michael Bay and XYZ Films producing. Hughes was joined by James Beaufort to write the screenplay for the film. In Philadelphia’s drug-infested ‘Badlands’, an elite undercover DEA task force climb a ladder of cartel informants to…

Australia Day in Canberra

Canberrans are encouraged to come together as a community this Australia Day to reflect, respect and celebrate the Australian experience, from its origins millennia ago to today. Festivities have been planned around Lake Burley Griffin, allowing people to gather in a COVID-safe way with activities dispersed across Patrick White Lawn, John Dunmore Lang Place, Reconciliation…

Netflix Announces Drama Series Nothing Special

Netflix have announced its next Russian series ‘Nothing Special’. This drama is about a young actor Lyokha and his volunteer work at a charity that supports people with disabilities. Getting closer to the group he is assigned, the hero finds a common language with them and discovers answers to his questions, helping people close to him…

Martin Place Christmas tree turns 50

The Martin Place Christmas tree turns 50 this year, fulfilling its role as the centrepiece of the City of Sydney’s Christmas decorations for half a century. Lord Mayor Clover Moore said the tree occupies a special place in the hearts of Sydneysiders. “People love the Martin Place tree, the tallest Christmas tree in New South…