News Articles

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ACT Free Plant Issue Recommences

The ACT Government’s Free Plant Issue Scheme at the Yarralumla Nursery has recommenced after five months on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The free Plant Issue Scheme is one of Yarralumla Nursery’s most important contributions to the greening of newly developed suburbs in the ACT,” Minister for Transport and City Services, Chris Steel commented “For…

St Kilda Penguin Parade Re-Opens

Victorians can once again watch the penguins on parade with the re-opening of the St Kilda Pier Breakwater – one of Melbourne’s top tourist attractions. Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio joined Member for Albert Park Martin Foley and Member for Southern Metropolitan Nina Taylor on the opening night to watch hundreds…

Helping Save Canberra’s Mammal Emblem and Unique Orchid

The ACT Government’s management of Canberra’s iconic Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby and Brindabella Midge Orchid is helping prevent their extinction, new reports show. Minister for the Environment Rebecca Vassarotti said that the five-year implementation progress reports show that the ACT Government’s action plans are improving the chances of survival for Canberra’s mammal emblem and unique orchid. “We…

New Agreement for the use of Bruce Oval

The ACT Government and the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) are supporting local and rural sporting teams through a new partnership for use of Bruce Oval sporting precinct. Minister for Sport and Recreation Yvette Berry said the agreement between CIT and NSWRL is about supporting grassroots sporting teams. “Bruce Oval will now give local Canberra…

So who wants to be a recording artist?

Djooky Music Awards (DMA), the first global online song contest, is seeking out the most talented artists and songwriters from Australia and around the world in a search for someone to become the next biggest singing sensation. Open to amateurs, professional songwriters and musicians, one buddying artist will have a once in a lifetime opportunity…

CHOICE Welcomes Moves to Ban Bank Marketing in Schools

CHOICE welcomes ACT’s vote to ban bank marketing in schools, CHOICE is also calling on other states and territories to follow ACT and Victoria’s lead and stop banks from marketing to kids in schools. “This is an important moment for the ACT community. School banking schemes are simply polished marketing programs designed to capture lifelong…

Rip Curl Pro Returning to Bells Beach in 2022

Victoria’s world-famous Rip Curl Pro will return to iconic Bells Beach in 2022 under a new three-year agreement secured by the Andrews Labor Government. Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Martin Pakula announced the deal with the World Surf League to continue the tradition at the renowned break near Torquay following the cancellation of…

Support for ACT Container Scheme at All Time High

The release of the ACT Container Deposit Scheme Annual Statutory Report for 2019-20 has shown support among Canberrans is at an all-time high with strong and growing participation. “The report shows that since the ACT Container Deposit Scheme commenced on 30 June 2018, over 148.1 million containers have been redeemed,” Minister for Transport and City…

ACMI Reopening After $40 Mill Redevelopment

Australia’s national museum of screen culture, ACMI, will welcome back visitors tomorrow following its physical and digital transformation. Minister for Creative Industries Danny Pearson was at ACMI today to celebrate the official opening of the $40 million redevelopment. “Victorians are hungry for creative experiences and ACMI’s reopening will entice more visitors back to the heart…

Golden Tag Fishing Competition Hits $100K Milestone

Regional Victoria is experiencing a fishing tourism boom, with the Golden Tag competition racking up a huge $100,000 in prizemoney paid to winners since being expanded and relaunched. Minister for Fishing and Boating Melissa Horne said the competition is having big benefits on the tourism industry, with fishers travelling across the state to chase up…