
Ads: A tiny piece of self-promotion

Yes, that’s right it is That Time Again, it is Time for some Ads. We run ads, we could run your ads. So, if you want to advertise on The Movie Boards please get in touch and next time you see an ad on The Movie Boards, it could be one of yours. Also, if…

Warner Bros Announces Plans for its 2021 Slate

Warner Bros. Pictures Group announced that it has committed to releasing its 2021 film slate via a unique, consumer-focused distribution model in which Warner Bros. will continue to exhibit the films theatrically worldwide, while adding an exclusive one month access period on the HBO Max streaming platform in the U.S. concurrent with the film’s domestic…

Stuck on What to Buy – Think Books

Sometimes at this time of year you can get to the point where you just don’t know what to get your young Niece or Nephew, Cousin, Uncle or even your Dad. Here are a couple of suggestions for possible books to give. New Holland Publishers Australia have announced its new “Happy Little VEGEMITES” Children’s Publishing…

AACTA Reg Grundy Award Finalists Announced

AACTA has recently announced the five finalists for the inaugural AACTA Reg Grundy Award, established to support new voices in screen entertainment and fast track new and original productions, with the annual AACTA Reg Grundy Award winner receiving a $50,000 prize – the largest of its kind in the world – for having the best…

Sending Santa Mail?

Mum and Dad remember like everyone else, the jolly man in red will be finalising his Christmas plans early this year so Australia Post is calling on kids to let him know they’ve been nice before he checks his list for that all important second time. Australia Post is once again helping to connect children…

Interview with Palace Cinemas CEO Benjamin Zeccola

A big thank you to Palace Cinemas CEO Benjamin Zeccola for taking the time for the interview. What can cinema going audiences expect from Pentridge Cinema? Are, there any new movie going experiences exclusive to Pentridge Cinema? With pandemic was the opening of the new cinema ever in doubt? At Pentridge Cinema, you can expect…

Netflix Commissions Microworlds: Reef

Netflix has announced it has commissioned its first Australian Netflix Original documentary, Microworlds: Reef, with major production investment from Screen Australia in association with Screen Queensland. Filmed in Australia on the Great Barrier Reef, the sophisticated supermacro techniques specifically developed for the film will immerse viewers, for the very first time, in the exquisite world…