Coming Soon – August 6th
ACT Government to hold second wind auction later this year
by themovieboards - Editor •
Considering the Australian Prime Minister Mr. Tony Abbott’s recent comments about Solar and Wind energy I can’t help but think that this is kind of interesting. Speaking at the Australian Clean Energy Summit in Sydney, Mr Corbell said the Government was finalising its considerations on the next steps for the second round of the wind…
Shaun the Sheep Interview!!!!
by themovieboards - Editor •
Editor’s Note:- A big thank you to Sean Clarke, Aardman’s Head of Rights and Brand Development for answering my questions. Will Skånes Djurpark have the only international Shaun the Sheep Attraction? Skånes will be the world’s first international Shaun the Sheep theme park attraction in 2016 , but we have ambitions to launch other theme…
Do you do Porridge?
by themovieboards - Editor •
Here is something to consider the next time you have breakfast. According to recent research released by Roy Morgan in an average seven days, 4.1 million Aussies aged 14+ (or 21% of the population) eat porridge; 4.9 million (or 25%) eat biscuit cereal; and 6.3 million (or 32%) eat other cereal. Andrew Price, General Manager…
Banana growers receiving further assistance
by themovieboards - Editor •
Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce has announced that the Government will deliver additional assistance to banana growers following the detection of Panama disease, Tropical Race 4, in Queensland, including financial compensation to growers affected by the initial response as well as funding to develop detailed mapping of major banana producing regions. “The Australian Government, together…
$55 Billion spent on Hospitals in 2013-14
by themovieboards - Editor •
According to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) recurrent hospital expenditure in Australia, for public and private hospitals combined, topped $55 billion in 2013–14. The report, Hospital resources 2013–14: Australian hospital statistics shows that more than $44 billion was spent by public hospitals, and over $11 billion by…
BBC World Service radio Available on Nigerian Mobile Phones
by themovieboards - Editor •
Mobile phone users in Nigeria can now tune in to BBC World Service radio in English and Hausa by dialing the local number 01 4405 222. This was brought about by a collaboration between BBC World Service and ZenoRadio – a leading service that enables radio to be heard on the phone – to give…
State of the four-legged nation
by themovieboards - Editor •
According to recent research released by Roy Morgan has revealed that 50% of Aussies live in a household with at least one cat or/and dog in it, whereas 35% share their household with at least one child aged under 16. The research also revealed that Dogs are more popular than cats: 38% of the population…
When was your last Holiday?
by themovieboards - Editor •
According to recent research released by Roy Morgan Australia’s full-time workforce has a grand total of 123,510,000 days of annual leave accrued, or an average of just under 21 days leave each. “It’s almost impossible to fathom: Australia’s six million full-time workers have no less than 123,510,000 days’ annual leave accrued between them! Even when…
Potential Blood Shortages
by themovieboards - Editor •
Cold and flu symptoms are wiping out as many as 900 blood donors a week, prompting the Australian Red Cross Blood Service to issue a call for new donors across the winter months. Spokesman Shaun Inguanzo explained that the first winter hurdle is the forthcoming Queen’s Birthday holiday; long-weekends pose their own threat to blood…