
Upgrade announced for Canberra Theatre Centre

Minister for the Arts Joy Burch has announced that the Government will invest $4.109 million over the next three years in upgrading the Canberra Theatre Centre. “This major capital project will support the Centre in its role as the region’s premier performing arts venue,” Ms Burch said. “Every year around 200,000 people attend performances and…

Tennis Action in Canberra this summer

The Minister for Sport and Recreation, Shane Rattenbury, today joined with the CEO of Tennis ACT, Ross Triffit, to announce the schedule of tennis action for the new Canberra Tennis Centre in 2015/16. “The transformation of this site over the last twelve months has been incredible. These wonderful new courts, offering a variety of surfaces,…

Greens push for Vote on Same Sex Marriage

The Australian Greens welcome the historic vote of ‘Yes’ for same sex marriage in Ireland and call on Australia to follow suit. “The news of a resounding ‘Yes’ vote in Ireland for amending their constitution to extend the right to marry to all couples, regardless of gender, is fantastic and it is time for Australia…

WB and DC announce new websites for kids

Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP) and DC Entertainment, announced they have launched three new entertainment destinations for kids that will engage fans with all their favorite Warner Bros. characters and DC Comics Super Heroes ScoobyDoo.com, LooneyTunes.com and DCKids.com. The new websites feature original new content. “Now, more than ever, providing universal access to a world…

Butter Gaining Popularity

According to data released by Roy Morgan butter has overtaken margarine as the spread of choice among Australian grocery shoppers. The figures revealed that more than half of Grocery Buyers 14+ (51%) bought butter in an average four-week period last year (up 6% points since 2010) while less than half (49%) bought Margarine (down 9%…

New Camry rolls off the line

Victorian Industry Minister, Lily D’Ambrosio, today attended the line-off ceremony at Toyota’s Altona plant, as the new-look Camry rolled off the production line. “The Andrews Labor Government will work with the automotive industry to successfully transition, reinforcing Victoria as a centre of excellence for advanced manufacturing, design and engineering.” Ms D’Ambrosio commented. Ms D’Ambrosio pointed…

Schools Back Don’t Speed

Minister for Police and Emergency Services Joy Burch joined ACT Policing Chief Police Officer Rudi Lammers to remind motorists that 40km/h school zones are in force as Term 2 of the school year commences. “As children return to school from a two-week break, we’re reminding motorists to take care around school zones and adhere to…

NFSA Wax Cylinder Recording Project

The Basics, Keith Potger (The Seekers) and Indigenous duo Stiff Gins have teamed up with the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA) to record new songs using 1890s wax cylinder technology. The NFSA has worked with a number of other recording artists and the recordings are available for free download. A spokesman for…

A Money Back Guarantee. Seriously?

Gambling, I’m not here to preach about Gambling. If you like to gamble and think that you’re good at it, then all the power to you and if you have a gambling problem I sincerely hope that you find whatever you need to get your problem under control. Now that little piece of housekeeping is…