
September AFP Seizes 22 credit card knives

According to figures released by the Australian Federal Police Since October last year, 81 credit card knives have been seized at airports around Australia. 22 of the 81 knives seized were seized in September. A spokesperson for the AFP commented that Despite the obvious danger an item such as this poses, airport screening is detecting…

Editor’s Note: The Definition of Evidence

Evidence – noun 1) That which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof 2) Something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign 3) Law Data presented to a court or Jury in proof of facts in issue and which may include the testimony of witnesses, records, documents or objects Now…

Six-time Paralympian Michael Milton inducted into the Sport Australia Hall of Fame

Six-time Paralympian Michael Milton, was recently inducted into the Sport Australia Hall of Fame. Milton becomes only the third Paralympian to be bestowed with the prestigious honour. Milton joins Louise Sauvage (wheelchair racing) and David Hall (wheelchair tennis) as the only Paralympians inducted among the 382 Athlete Members of the Sport Australia Hall of Fame.…

Australia’s first victory at sea commemorated

Australia’s first victory at sea during World War I is commemorated in a new stamp release by Australia Post. Australia Post Philatelic Manager, Michael Zsolt said this wartime event is historically significant as it was the first engagement fought by a warship of the fledgling Royal Australian Navy. “The ‘Battle of Cocos Islands’, as it’s…

Australian metropolitan racecourse stamp issue

Australia will be releasing stamp issue that honors the four major Australian metropolitan racecourses the lion’s share of Group 1 races are run. Australia Post Philatelic Manager Michael Zsolt said, “Horseracing is one of the country’s most popular spectator sports, and this stamp issue comes just in time for spring racing season. We trust collectors…

100 days till the AFC Asian Cup tournament

The AFC Asian Cup tournament will kick off in Melbourne 100 days, Victorian Minister for Sport Damian Drum said the AFC Asian Cup was a great chance for Victorians to see world-class football at a world-class venue. “The people of Victoria can see seven games of the best football Asia has to offer including the…