
The Third Half

The Third Half Director Darko Mitrevski Staring Katarina Ivanovska, Sasko Kocev, Richard Sammel Rated M Score 6/6 Determined to build the best football club in the country, Dimitry hires the German coach, Rudolph Spitz, to galvanize his rag tag team but – when the first Nazi tanks roll through the city and Rebecca, the beautiful…

12 projects receive $4.5mill in support

In the final round of drama funding for the financial year, Screen Australia announces production investment in 12 projects including two feature films, a television series and nine multiplatform programs. Screen Australia’s support of over $4.5 million in these projects will initiate production worth over $25 million. “In this round of funding we are pleased…

Obama most admired public figure in 2013

According to recent research released by Roy Morgan US President Barack Obama was named by 12.7% of Australians aged 14+ as one of the public figures they most admire in 2013. In fact, of the five people whose names came up most often, only two were Australian: former Prime Ministers Julia Gillard (12.3%) and John…

BOM creates mobile-friendly weather website

The Bureau of Meteorology has redesigned its website for smartphone users, making it quicker and easier for people to access Australia’s official weather forecasts using their mobile device. “The Bureau is releasing a preview of the mobile website today for public testing and feedback, before formally releasing the site,” said Senator Simon Birmingham, Parliamentary Secretary…

ACCC says be aware of winter product safety

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is encouraging consumers to check the Recalls Australia website or download the Recalls Australia app so they can warm up safely this winter. “Of particular concern is the low return rate of recalled electric blankets. Over 400,000 unsafe electric blankets recalled since 2010, many due to the risk of…

Australia Post Fleet Trials going Green

In an Australian-first, Renault’s 100 percent electric-powered delivery vans will shortly join Australia Post’s fleet in Melbourne and Sydney. The Renault Kangoo Maxi Z.E. (Zero Emission) electric van, currently not sold in Australia, is widely used across Europe and the United Kingdom and will be used exclusively by Australia Post from mid-2014 for a 12…

ACT Libs Say Light Rail to costly

ACT Opposition Leader Jeremy Hanson recently said that the ACT Labor government must abandon its cornerstone plan to build light rail from Gungahlin to the City. Mr Hanson claims that the people of the ACT cannot be made to pay for light rail when Katy Gallagher is talking about reductions to health services. “Katy Gallagher…