
Solar Power Facility to be built in Royalla

Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development Simon Corbell announced recently that Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) The facility will be built 25km south of the Canberra CBD on the Monaro Highway in the vicinity of Royalla and have about 83,000 PV panels and generate enough electricity to supply approximately 4,500 Canberra homes. Construction of the solar…

Canberra Libs: $1 million over four years for Canberra’s street sweeping program

ACT Opposition Leader Zed Seselja and ACT Shadow Urban Services Minister Alistair Coe announced recently that if elected a liberal government would invest an additional $1 million over four years into the ACT’s street sweeping program. Mr Seselja explained that the $1 million over four years so that Canberra’s street sweeping program could: • Lease…

Holiday road trip stamp issue

The holiday road trip is being celebrated in a new stamp release by Australia post. The new stamps will be released on 18 September 2012. “The excitement and fun of travelling to favourite destinations has been the inspiration for this stamp issue. We trust the delightful stamp illustrations will appeal to collectors and general mail-users…

More Schools go Solar

Under the latest round of National Solar Schools Program funding $24 million will be distributed to 804 Australian schools to install solar power systems and a range of energy efficiency measures. Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Mark Dreyfus explained that under the scheme more than 5,300 primary and secondary schools across Australia…

Disability Champions named: people who have overcome disability and illness to study, train, volunteer and find work

Minister for Human Services Senator Kim Carr announced that eight people who have overcome disability and illness to study, train, volunteer and find work have been named Disability Champions by the Department of Human Services. Senator Carr commented that he is pleased the men and women who where named Champions represented diverse personal circumstances and…

Community Group LEAD to run Canberra Merry-Go-Round

ACT Chief Minister and Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Katy Gallagher, announced that the Canberra community group LEAD (Live, Experience, Access, Develop) has been awarded the contract to run the iconic Civic Merry-Go-Round. “This venture will give people with a disability the opportunity to be part of the community and contribute to the legacy…

Canberra’s Longest Bookmark 85% complete

Dickson Library is well on its way to its goal create Canberra’s longest bookmark as a part National Year of Reading challenge. So far Dickson Library has received 16,729 individual bookmarks out of 19,381to create a bookmark which covers the four kilometres between Dickson and Civic libraries. “We have achieved just over 85 per cent…

ACT Chief Minister announces new hospital on UC Campus

ACT Chief Minister and Minister for Health Katy Gallagher signed a Heads of Agreement with University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Parker and announced that a new hospital will be built on built on the northwest of the University’s Bruce campus, the hospital is scheduled for completion by 2017. “The hospital will be a ‘sub-acute’…

Chief Minister plants first tree at Franklin Charity House

Chief Minister Katy Gallagher today planted a Crimson Sentry tree to recognise the substantially complete construction of the Franklin Charity House. The Charity house will be auctioned in early 2013 to raise funds for YWCA Canberra, YouthCARE Canberra, Canberra Men’s Centre, Innana and Toora Women. “This home showcases the high standard of sustainable and accessible…