
European style Number Plates will soon be available in Canberra

Attorney General, Simon Corbell recently announced that European style number plates would soon be available in the ACT from early July. “The decision to roll-out these plates in the ACT follows several representations from members of the community who were concerned by the fact that conventional plates did not properly fit their chosen vehicle,” Mr…

It’s that time ….. Floriade is coming!!!!!

Floriade is only four months away and yesterday, Students from The Woden School and MLA Andrew Barr joined Floriade’s head gardener, Andrew Forster to plant the first bulbs for Canberra’s 25th Floriade. Andrew Barr took the opportunity to announce the theme for this year’s Floriade, which is Style and Design. Mr. Barr noted that this…

2012 Healthy Heart Challenge

ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher recently invited Canberra women to join her in making a difference in women’s heart health by signing up for this year’s Healthy Heart Challenge. “The Healthy Heart Challenge asks women to choose a small, realistic goal for 10 weeks, including being active every day, improving their nutrition, or quitting smoking,…

The Wolverine to be filmed in Australia

It was recently announced by Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Arts Minister Simon Crean, that The Wolverine will be filmed in Sydney. It was noted that to attract the movie to Australia the Gillard Government granted the producers a one-off payment of $12.8 million which will result in over $80 million of investment in Australia…