Jack The Giant Slayer

Director Bryan Singer Staring Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor, Stanley Tucci Rated M Score 3.5/6 The ancient war between humans and a race of giants is reignited when Jack, a young farmhand fighting for a kingdom and the love of a princess, opens a gateway between the two worlds. This is actually a pretty cool choice…

Eat more Chicken Soup

Here is something for you to think about the next time you enjoy a bowl of chicken soup according to recent research released by the Australian Chicken Meat Federation shows that the majority of Australians (58%) enjoy chicken soup when they have cold and flu symptoms with an overwhelming 87% those opting for it because…

Save your legs!

Director Boyd Hicklin Starring Stephen Curry, Brendan Cowell, Damon Gameau Rated M Score 4/6 Edward (Teddy) Brown is obsessed with cricket. His whole life has revolved around the game, his park cricket team and his mates. Now that they’ve hit their mid-thirties, his friends are starting to move on, trading in the team for their…

News Headline stamp release

Australia Post has recently released a stamp issue featuring news headline events from the 20th century. The stamps feature “news headlines” announcing the end of World War II in 1945; the Moon landing in 1969; Cyclone Tracy in 1974 and our America’s Cup win in 1983. “These events all made news around the world, especially…

Do you know your family eye history?

According to recent research by The RANZCO (Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists) Eye Foundation, 46% of Australians don’t know or haven’t asked if there is a history of eye disease in their family. “This fresh statistic that almost 1 in 2 Australians don’t know or haven’t inquired as to whether they have…

The Package

Director Jesse V. Johnson Staring Steve Austin, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Keenleyside Rated M Score 2.5/6 A courier for a local crime lord must deliver a mysterious package while being chased by a horde of unusual gangsters. On the face of it The Package is very much the type of movie that you would watch with…

National stroke campaign stresses importance of FAST

Minister for Health, Tanya Plibersek, recently announced $2 million for a national stroke campaign that shows people how to recognize signs of stroke and stresses the importance of responding to them fast. “Stroke is the second most common cause of death in Australia, “Around 60 per cent of people who’ve had a stroke don’t make…

AEC encourages missing eligible voters to enroll

With the 2013 election approaching the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is calling on the community to help find almost 1.4 million eligible missing voters with the launch of the ‘Don’t leave it to the last minute’ enrollment campaign by Electoral Commissioner, Ed Killesteyn. “Time is running out for the almost 1.4 million eligible voters still…

Satellite phone services gain access to Triple Zero emergency call service

On July 1st the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) handheld satellite phones to access the Triple Zero emergency call service. ‘These regulatory changes mean that all handheld satellite phone users will know that, in the event of a life-threatening or time-critical emergency, they can dial Triple Zero,’ said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman commented. Mr.…

The Lone Ranger

Director Gore Verbinski Staring Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer Rated M Score 4.5/6 Native American warrior Tonto recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid, a man of the law, into a legend of justice. Okay, if you get over the fact that the role of Tonto went to Johnny Depp instead of any Native American,…

‘Kiaps’ awarded Police Overseas Service Medal

Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Justice Jason Claire awarded the Police Overseas Service Medal to 55 ‘Kiaps’ – the former Australian members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary between 1949 and 1973 at a ceremony at Parliament house. Minister Claire explained that from the end of World War II until independence in…

Man of Tai Chi

Director Keanu Reeves Starring Keanu Reeves, Iko Uwais, Tiger Hu Chen Rated 4.5/6 Rated MA A young martial artist’s unparalleled Tai Chi skills land him in a highly lucrative underworld fight club. This was an interesting choice for Keanu Reeves’ first movie as a director, purely because of the use of Tai Chi, considering that…

Be aware of coin-sized batteries risks to kids

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging parents and carers to be aware of the risks that coin-sized batteries pose to children if swallowed. “Button batteries are a severe and little known risk for children but alarmingly an estimated five children per week in Australia present to an emergency department with a button battery…

No National Tally Room at 2013 federal election

The Electoral Commissioner Ed Killesteyn has announced that the Australian Electoral Commission will not be operating the National Tally Room at the 2013 Federal Election. Mr. Killesteyn explained that the National Tally Room now played no role in the actual delivery of election results but essentially provided a visual backdrop for the media to conduct…

Onesie searches on the rise

With the cold months of winter upon us, new figures released by EBay June show that there were 140,000 searches for onesies in June the figures also show that searches have risen 200 per cent since January when they were looked for only 44 000 times. “The popularity of the onesie has seen parties dedicated…

Royalla solar farm receives approval

Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell recently approved a proposal to build a 20MW solar farm on land adjacent to the Monaro Highway, the proposed solar farm will be the largest solar farm to be developed in Australia to date. “The solar farm proposal will contribute to a reduction of around 560,000…