Tag Archive for ACT

Canberra Light Rail Stage 2A extension

Canberra’s light rail is one step closer to reaching Woden, with construction beginning today on the Stage 2A extension. Stage 2A of the Canberra Light Rail involves extending the existing rail network from Civic to Commonwealth Park to improve transport connections as the capital grows. Canberra is one of Australia’s fastest growing cities with the…

New Recycling Facility for Canberra

A new recycling facility for Canberra is on its way with Veolia announced as the successful industry partner to build and operate the new facility. Following a competitive procurement process during 2024, the ACT Government has selected Veolia as the industry partner to design, build and operate the ACT’s new recycling facility. Veolia, a leader…

20 Years of the Restorative Justice Scheme in the ACT

Friday January 31st marked the 20th anniversary of the Restorative Justice Scheme in the ACT. This nation-leading transformative initiative has provided opportunities for victims of crime to meet with the person responsible and hold them accountable in a way that is safe, respectful and meaningful to them. It has also provided an opportunity for people…

Snacks….. Movies …… Snacks

What snack would you eat right now? I’ve been meaning to write about snacks and movie watching for sometime now. Over the past 5 to 10 years the snack situation at most neighbourhood cinemas has changed brought on by the invention of the premium cinema. Fundamentally I believe there’s nothing wrong with sneaking snacks into…

You don’t have to go to far

Do you ever see wild animals? In the Australian Capital Territory (Canberra) you don’t have to go too far if you want to see a ‘wild animal’ like a kangaroo. Canberra isn’t the biggest of cities and has a lot of wide open areas and in those wide open areas there chances that you’ll see…

The Die Hard Christmas Question

Agree or Disagree ? In about a week, that time honoured internet tradition of the debate of ‘Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?” Personally I don’t see the problem with Die hard being considered a Christmas movie. All Christmas movies do not have to be sugary sweet movies there’s the “Christmas horror” sub genre with…

Another Writing Prompt

What is your favorite place to go in your city? I know the question asks for one favourite place your city, but considering this might be a little overdue so I’ll give you three. One of them was on the second floor of the Capitol theatre that looks out across Furneaux Street and Canberra Avenue…

Another writing prompt

What’s your favorite month of the year? Why? Okay, I know it might not be the done thing to answer any of these writing prompts especially for a blog that deals with movie reviews, news and current affairs. But in my defence I am a procrastinator so it keeps me writing, I’ll also admit that…

Hello and Welcome

Based in Canberra Australia. The Movie Boards Reviews Movies, post articles about News and Current Affairs Articles and now post more pictures exploring Canberra and the occasional adventure further afield.