Tag Archive for ACT

Legal to Ride E-Scooters in the ACT

Minister for Justice, Consumer Affairs and Road Safety, Shane Rattenbury, has announced changes that mean e scooters and similar e-mobility devices will be legal to ride in the ACT by Christmas. “Many ACT residents are keen to take advantage of e-scooters and similar e-mobility devices. I’m pleased to announce that these devices will be legal…

Nominate a Location for a New Tree

Canberrans can nominate locations for the Government to plant 17,000 new trees across the city. Community consultation begins as an additional 750 trees are being planted as part of the spring tree planting program. “One of the things Canberrans most treasure about our city is its urban forest. We want to ensure the tree canopy…

Gift Cards: three-year minimum expiry date

Gift cards now will need to have a three-year minimum expiry date, and expiry dates will need to be prominently displayed. Together with other state and territory Consumer Affairs Ministers, ACT Minister for Consumer Affairs Shane Rattenbury recently agreed to implement a national scheme for the regulation of gift cards, no matter where in Australia…

RSPCA ACT Receives Funding Boost

The ACT Government has delivered over $300,000 of additional funding to the RSPCA ACT to boost animal management and welfare services with new equipment to better resource the shelter. “Each year funding is provided to the RSPCA for the delivery of animal management and welfare services and I am pleased that this year we are…

New Additions to ACT Threatened Species List

Northern Corroboree Frogs, Swift Parrots, Regent Honeyeaters and two species of rare orchids are now listed as ‘critically endangered’ in the ACT to align with national listings. Seventeen other nationally threatened species have also been added to the ACT Threatened Native Species List across various categories. “I have changed the status of these species to…

ACT Dance Week Celebrations

Dance week (April 29th to May 5th) celebrations kicked off in the ACT recently and the Government is encouraging Canberrans to take advantage of the performances and classes on offer throughout the week. Minister for the Arts and Cultural Events Gordon Ramsay launched Dance Week, presented by Ausdance ACT, as part of International Dance Day…

New technology for our ACT Traffic Operations police cars

A new three-camera Automatic Number Plate Recognition system was recently unveiled that enables officers to identify and process plates on vehicles in front, beside, behind and approaching the traffic vehicle from the opposite direction. “The fleet is also being equipped with five cameras that provide practically 360-degree coverage around the vehicle, which will improve evidence-gathering…

ACT Government Launches Online Birth Registration Form

Minister for Business and Regulatory Services Gordon Ramsay has launched Access Canberra’s online birth registration form. The form will offer greater convenience and significantly reduce waiting times for documentation for parents of newborns. Minister Ramsay encouraged parents to take advantage of the new online birth registration tool – which is free and easy to use.…

Review Finds ACT Plastic Bag Ban a Success

The ACT’s single-use plastic bag ban has had significant environmental benefits and is strongly backed by the Canberra community, an independent review has found. Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability Shane Rattenbury requested that the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment, Professor Kate Auty, undertake a review of the ACT Plastic Shopping Bag Ban Act…