Tag Archive for ACT

Do the Right Thing to Keep Canberra’s Air Clean

Minister for the Environment and Heritage Mick Gentleman today announced the launch of the ACT Government’s annual Burn Right Tonight campaign, which focuses on reminding Canberrans to use their wood heaters appropriately, or switch to a more sustainable alternative in order to keep Canberra’s air clean. “The ACT Government is committed to keeping Canberra’s air…

ACT Supports National Firearms Amnesty

Minister Gentleman said that the Government is committed to ensuring that Canberra remains a safe city, and our participation in the National Firearms Amnesty enforces this commitment. The National Firearms Amnesty was announced by the Commonwealth Minister for Justice Michael Keenan earlier this year. During the amnesty period those in possession of unlawful, or unregistered…

ACT Leads Way on National Shotgun Reforms

Minister for Police and Emergency Services Mick Gentleman has today announced that the ACT has become the first jurisdiction in Australia to restrict access to lever action shotguns after key legislation was passed by the Legislative Assembly today. The importation of lever action shotguns with a magazine capacity greater than five rounds was temporarily prohibited…

ACT Government Electric Bike Fleet Has Traveled 2500KM

Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability Shane Rattenbury announced recently that The ACT Government’s electric bike fleet has traveled 2500 kilometres – more than the distance between Canberra and Wellington – since a trial commenced late last year. “The eight e-bikes introduced to the ACT Government’s vehicle fleet have proven popular with staff in participating…

New Number Plate Slogan for Canberra

ACT Chief Minister has announced that the ACT will have a new number plate slogan after Canberrans voted for – ‘Canberra -The Bush Capital’. “More than 8000 votes were made for a new slogan and to keep an existing slogan – ‘Canberra The Nation’s Capital’. Canberra drivers will be able to choose between the two…

Plans to reduce abandoned shopping trolleys

According to Minister for Transport and City Services Meegan Fitzharris Residents should see fewer shopping trolleys abandoned on nature strips, in parks and by the roadside after new systems were put in place this week to ensure retailers that provide trolleys have containment systems in place. “Over recent months, Transport Canberra and City Services has…

Double Demerit Points Enforced in the ACT

ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Mick Gentleman, is urging motorists to drive safely over the 2016 festive period and warns that ACT Policing will be targeting those that choose to do the wrong thing. The Minister explained that double demerit points are effective from the first instance on Friday, 23 December 2016 until…

Interest in ACT Green Bin Pilot Scheme

ACT Minister for Transport and City Services Meegan Fitzharris recently announced that more than 3,600 people have already expressed an interest in the ACT Government’s opt-in garden waste bin scheme, which will start early next year to help households keep their yards beautiful, and our streets neat and tidy. “Green bins for garden waste is…

ACT Smart Bin Trial

Minister for Transport and Municipal Services Meegan Fitzharris has announced the start of a 12 month trial of three solar-powered self-compacting rubbish bins in three community locations around the ACT. “These innovative new bins have been installed at Campbell 5 in Campbell, Kingston Foreshore and Link Park at Wright, with the aim of reducing unnecessary…

Applications for ACT Multicultural Participation Grants Program Open

Yvette Berry Minister for Multicultural and Youth Affairs is encouraging local community groups involved in promoting and nurturing cultural diversity across Canberra to apply for a share in the ACT Government’s $260,000 Participation (Multicultural) Grants Program. Minister Berry explained that the main aim of the grant program is to enhance the community through the provision…