Tag Archive for ACT

Second Stage of Gundaroo Drive Completed

The second stage of the duplication of Gundaroo Drive has reached the finishing line following the opening of four lanes between Gungahlin Drive and the Barton Highway. “The ACT Government is committed to building a better and safer road network and the completion of this duplication project is a key step in achieving this,” Minister…

Franklin Early Childhood School Renamed Franklin School

Franklin Early Childhood School will be renamed as Franklin School to reflect the major expansion works that will see the school grow from an early childhood school into a primary school. ACT minister for Education and Early Childhood Development Yvette Berry said that the ACT Government committed in 2016 to expand Franklin Early Childhood School…

Smiley Face Road Signs Prove Successful

An evaluation of the ‘Smiley Face’ road sign trial has found the signs have been successful in slowing down drivers on Canberra’s roads. The trial of Smiley Face road signs that aims to reduce speeding by reinforcing positive driver behaviour ran from February 2018 until October 2019. Five signs were rotated around different residential locations…

Belconnen Arts Centre Expansion has been completed

The expansion of the Belconnen Arts Centre has been completed on time and on budget, with positive impacts from the project already being realised. Over 150 local contractors and 42 local businesses delivered the $15 million upgrade which will lead to more performances, more exhibitions and more community events. Minister for the Arts, Creative Industries…

UNSW Canberra Steps Closer

The UNSW Canberra City campus has moved another step closer, with new legislation introduced into the Assembly recently that will help facilitate the establishment of the campus. The project will bring more jobs to Canberra – contributing to our economic recovery and providing further confidence in our economy. Minister for Planning and Land Management Mick…

Canberrans Have Been Upskilling During Covid-19

More than 1,000 Canberrans have enrolled in key skills training courses during the recent Skilled Capital round that opened last week to help build skill capability during COVID-19. Minister for Tertiary Education Chris Steel said this training will support Canberrans to meet their learning needs and aspirations and ensure local industry can continue to build…

Upgrades for Braddon and Dickson

Two of Canberra’s most popular entertainment and dining strips will get significant infrastructure upgrades over the next 18 months as part of the Canberra’s Recovery Plan. “Infrastructure works will be undertaken on Lonsdale Street Braddon and Woolley Street Dickson to make the area safer, more accessible and more attractive. The City Renewal Authority has appointed…

Canberra Grasslands and Woodlands Listed as Endagered

Several of the Territory’s threatened grasslands and woodlands have been recognised as critically endangered following advice from the ACT Scientific Committee. Minister for the Environment and Heritage Mick Gentleman said the ACT’s woodlands and grasslands were exceptional in size, connectivity, diversity, condition and habitat for threatened species. “The Natural Temperate Grassland and the Yellow Box…

Footpath and Road Safety Improvements Across Canberra

More footpath and road safety improvements are now underway across Canberra as part of the Government’s economic survival package supporting local businesses and ensuring Canberrans are in jobs to keep our city going. Minister for Roads and Active Travel, Chris Steel, today released details of a further 20 projects that form part of the path…

Additional Support for Canberra’s Artists

Canberra’s artists have now received additional support as part of the ACT Government’s economic survival package to support jobs and maintain our creative sector. The Government has already created hundreds of jobs to support Canberrans and these numbers will now also be increased by jobs in the creative sector as we work to keep our…