Tag Archive for ACT

Applications Open for 2020-21 ACT Heritage Grants Program

Applications are now open for the 2020-21 ACT Heritage Grants Program targeting projects to move Canberra’s history online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Minister for the Environment and Heritage Mick Gentleman encouraged Canberrans, local community groups and organisations to apply to protect and celebrate our heritage. “The grant program will see $355,000 worth of projects flow…

Financial Support for Emergency Service Volunteers

ACT Rural Fire Service (ACTRFS) and the ACT State Emergency Service (ACTSES) volunteers will be able to claim financial support for loss of income from service during the recent bushfires season. “Our volunteers work tirelessly and professionally to help the Canberra community and ask for nothing in return,” Minister for Police and Emergency Services Mick…

Steps Taken Towards Bushfire Recovery in ACT Parks

The Orroral Valley bushfire resulted in one of the biggest ecological disasters in the Territory’s history, and the ACT Government is committed to working with experts to support the recovery of the Namadgi National Park and Tidbinbilla. ACT Minister for the Environment and Heritage Mick Gentleman explained that a Rapid Risk Assessment Team (RRAT), including…

ACT Parks and Reserves Reopening

Many parks and reserves across the ACT are reopening following the extinguishing of bushfires and easing of extreme dry conditions. Minister for the Environment and Heritage Mick Gentleman was pleased to invite Canberrans back to many of their favourite parks and reserves, including parts of Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. “Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve has been hit hard…

2020 Reconciliation Day Grants Open

Individuals, local community groups and organisations are now able to apply for grant funding of up to $5,000 to support events on and around Reconciliation Day. “Grants will support individuals and organisations to hold meaningful events in the lead up to Reconciliation Day on 1 June 2020. Reconciliation Day is an opportunity for the Canberra…

Stage Two of Canberra Light Rail Progressing

Stage two of light rail is progressing with Minister for Transport Chris Steel announcing more detail today. Minister Steel explained that the 2A extension will add 1.7km of wire-free track from the Alinga Street station, along the western side of London Circuit and onto Commonwealth Avenue, finishing at Commonwealth Park. The Minister added that to…

Greater Competition for Canberra Petrol Market

Canberrans are set to benefit from the ACT Government’s push for more competition in the local petrol market. “Historically Canberrans have been poorly served by fuel retailers and we are working to put a stop to the unfairness. Government initiatives are focussed on saving money for drivers in the ACT. We’re encouraging smaller operators to…

Phasing out Single Use Plastics in the ACT

The phase out of single‑use plastics in the ACT will begin next year with legislation to be introduced to ban certain problematic items where there is an alternative available. “The ACT Government will introduce legislation to ban the sale and distribution of problematic and unnecessary single-use plastic products early next year,” Minister for Recycling and…