Tag Archive for Australia

Christian Schools Australia Calls to Protect Religious Freedoms

With the Australian election scheduled for May, Christian Schools Australia say that the 47th parliament must deliver protections for religious freedom and deliver on the rhetoric of both parties. “The Prime Minister and Opposition Leader have sought to focus on the future in their opening pitches to the nation today” Mark Spencer, Director of Public…

Calls to Address Nursing Workforce Crisis

Heading towards the next Federal Election, the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) is urging politicians to prioritise the issues impacting the nursing profession throughout the campaign, in the interests of the health of all Australians. “For the last two years, nurses have led Australians through the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic,” ACN CEO Adjunct Professor…

Funding Announced to Improve Canberra Waterways

To improve waterway health and provide greater amenity for Canberrans, the ACT Government has provided a significant funding boost to the ACT Healthy Waterways program, committing an additional $14 million through to June 2023. This brings the total value of the program to $20.5 million since the first stage of Healthy Waterways was completed in…

MIFF Announes Inaugural MIFF XR Commission

The Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) is pleased to announce local artists and long-time collaborators, Isobel Knowles and Van Sowerwine, have been awarded its inaugural MIFF XR Commission, supported and developed by artist and philanthropist, Ling Ang. Knowles and Sowerwine, have written, directed, and animated Line-Up – a series of Augmented Reality (AR) experiences celebrating…

Variety Australia Launches

The Brag Media, which reaches over 33% of the Australian population each month across its digital and print properties, has entered into a further licensing agreement with Variety’s parent company, Penske Media Corporation, to launch Variety Australia. Variety Australia launches online today, featuring original and syndicated content most relevant to local audiences. A print edition…

Punks for West Papua

Director Anthony ‘Ash’ Brennan Narrated by Basia Bonkowski Score 6/6 Punks for West Papua is an Australia wide movement, and the brainchild of Jody Bartolo. Jody and his band ‘Diggers with Attitude’ spearhead Punks for West Papua with the aim to raise money and awareness for the Free West Papua cause. The genocide of the…

ACCC To Monitor Fuel Excise Cut

The ACCC notes that the Federal Budget announcement of a six-month reduction in fuel excise from midnight. Under direction from the Federal Government, the ACCC currently monitors fuel prices, costs and profits and reports on these each quarter. The ACCC can compel refiners, importers, terminal operators, wholesalers, and retailers to provide information relating to fuel…

ACT Government Investing In Large Scale FOGO Facility

The ACT Government is strengthening Canberra’s circular economy by investing in a large-scale Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) facility to process local waste. “We are investing in new waste infrastructure that will support Canberrans to take everyday action on climate change and reduce our city’s future emissions,” Minister for Transport and City Services Chris…

Cinema attendance Up but Down on Pre-Pandemic Levels

According to Roy Morgan research Cinema attendance in Australia increased during the final quarter of 2021 compared to a year ago but was still at less than half of pre-pandemic levels in the final quarter of 2019. “Australia’s cinemas have been amongst the hardest hit businesses by the COVID-19 pandemic with attendance plummeting during the…