Tag Archive for holiday

Monash University Aided Santa Sleigh Upgrade

From automated gift-sorting, precise chimney navigation, reindeer health tracking, and antifreeze technology, Santa’s sleigh has undergone a transformation this year with the help of Monash engineers. They’ve just conducted a final inspection on the upgraded sleigh, giving Santa the official preflight green light. Rest assured, there will not be a worry in sight when it…

A writing prompt from the Jetpack Ap

Invent a holiday! Explain how and why everyone should celebrate. Something silly as we approach the starting line for the holiday season. Puddingmas. An alternative holiday commonly celebrated on December 25th but can be observed any day you please. Through the consumption of pudding and alcohol we celebrate goodwill towards everybody. Keep in mind as…

Battle of the Hot Cross Buns

Coles has released egg-citing new data that reveals which state is buying the most hot cross buns this Easter, with the spiced staple expected to hop out supermarket doors in record numbers having already sold more than 49 million since Boxing Day.   With 61 percent of Coles customers planning to eat hot cross buns…

Top Holiday Spots According to Bupa

Indonesia is just the ticket when it comes to top international holiday spots for Aussies, followed by the USA and New Zealand, Bupa Travel Insurance data reveals. Suitcases are also being packed for long-haul flights to the UK, along with closer, more tropical destinations, Thailand, and Fiji, to soak up the sun.The travel insurance data,…

Savvy Releases Easter Spending Survey

According to a nationally representative survey released by Savvy of Australian’s spending habits around Easter 2023, 31% of Australians say they’ll be spending between $51 and $150 on Easter this year, while 22% say they will spend between $251 and $500. A further 27% said they would spend $50 or less this year. Finance expert…

Holiday Break camps For Regional NSW Kids

The NSW Office of Sport is offering free Holiday Break camps to kids from regional NSW in the April school holidays. Regional kids aged 12-15 can enjoy a free overnight camp at four sport and recreation centres. Featuring a range of activities, including mountain biking and BMX, stand-up paddleboarding and survival skills, camps include all…

1Cover Travel The One Thing Competition

1Cover Travel insurance is running an exciting comedy competition called ‘The One Thing’. There is a huge first prize of $10,000 to the entry deemed ‘funniest’ by an expert comedy panel. Two runners up will receive $1,500 each. “The competition is a great opportunity to give aspiring and established comedians an opportunity to show off”…

Capital City Holidays can be Costly

In the year to June 2015, almost 12 million Australians aged 14+ took at least one domestic holiday, with the average cost per head/per night of their last domestic trip being $150. Without exception, this figure was higher for people whose last holiday was spent in a capital city — but with some striking differences…

When was your last Holiday?

According to recent research released by Roy Morgan Australia’s full-time workforce has a grand total of 123,510,000 days of annual leave accrued, or an average of just under 21 days leave each. “It’s almost impossible to fathom: Australia’s six million full-time workers have no less than 123,510,000 days’ annual leave accrued between them! Even when…

be aware of holiday scams

The ACCC has received 1,650 complaints about travel scams this year, with $100,000 reported lost. Most complainants were contacted by phone and many were offered holiday vouchers for $2,000 or $3,000. Others were sold fake trips to Florida or the Bahamas including tickets to theme parks or cruises at greatly discounted rates. “While you are…