Tag Archive for Portable decorative ethanol burners

ACT Bans Portable Decorative Ethanol Burners and to approve Segways on footpaths

Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs, Shane Rattenbury has announced an immediate 60-day ban on the sale of portable decorative ethanol burners. “The interim ban now means that retailers and online traders based in the ACT must take the banned products off their shelves or delete them from online catalogues and cease sales immediately,” Mr.…

60-day Ban on the sale of Portable Decorative Ethanol Burners in WA

Western Australian Commerce Minister Michael Mischin has approved an immediate 60-day interim ban on the sale of Portable decorative ethanol burners from Midnight pending further assessment by Consumer Protection, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and other consumer agencies nationally. Mr. Mischin said 113 injuries – many serious – and 115 fire incidents had been…