Tag Archive for thank you

Thank You, Thank You : People I have to Thank

Ladies, Gentleman and followers of all ages last Tuesday night (July 12th) to borrow a line from well respected space-bums Arnold Rimmer and Dave Lister I had what could be considered to be an ‘oh smeg’ moment, actually to be more accurate it was more of a ‘oh-fuck-what-the-heck-am-i-going-to-do-I-really-don’t-want-to-sleep-in-my-car’ kind of moment. Actually they might be…

Thank You!!!

This is to all the amazingly awesome fantastic people who visit The Movie Boards. The past three months have been fantastic and I would like to thank each and every one of you for continuing to visit my blog. Just recently the tally of the total number of visits ticked over 50,000. This number might…

Thank You!!!

To those of you who have been clicking on the ads thank you. Revenue from Google Ads is what is going to help keep The Movie Boards going. And to everybody else Thank You for continuing to visit this corner of the web.