Duck World, the internationally beloved purveyor of iconic rubber ducks, is proud to announce the grand opening of its largest North American store at Washington Avenue, Miami Beach. “We were thinking for a long time where to open the…
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Black Snow 2 – New Year’s Day
by themovieboards - Editor •
The picturesque Glass House Mountains are set to captivate audiences around the globe as the dramatic backdrop for Stan’s thrilling murder mystery intertwined with the breathtaking beauty of the Sunshine Coast. The second smash-hit Stan original series of the acclaimed detective drama, Black Snow, is premiering this New Year’s Day and promises to deliver a…
Monash University Aided Santa Sleigh Upgrade
by themovieboards - Editor •
From automated gift-sorting, precise chimney navigation, reindeer health tracking, and antifreeze technology, Santa’s sleigh has undergone a transformation this year with the help of Monash engineers. They’ve just conducted a final inspection on the upgraded sleigh, giving Santa the official preflight green light. Rest assured, there will not be a worry in sight when it…
Fools Rush In
by themovieboards - Editor •
Carrots for Reindeer
by themovieboards - Editor •
Palace Penny Lane Cinema Rooftop
by themovieboards - Editor •
Boxing Day Releases at Palace Cinemas
by themovieboards - Editor •
New Return & Earn in Chatswood
by themovieboards - Editor •
Chatswood locals have a new location to recycle their eligible bottles, cans and cartons with the opening of a new Return and Earn machine at Chatswood Place. As the fifth return point in the Willoughby City Council area, it is now even more convenient for local community members to redeem their eligible bottles and cans for…